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Promise me this, guys. If any one of you becomes insanely famous, like an author, or a movie director, or an (drawing) artist, dedicate something to this fandom.

We all want to be adored.

Sophie rushed out of the room just as fast as that-one-fast-dude (Aeolus) could run.

She literally ran into Fitz as she fell down the stairs. Quite literally.

As Sophie crashed into his chest, Fitz managed to put a hand on the railing that bordered the stairs to prevent them from tumbling down.

Sophie noted he smelled like clean linen (hmm…whatever).

He helped her regain her footing. She grinned.


Sophie's smile somehow got wider. "We're getting him back."

Fitz stared after her in surprise as Sophie pushed passed him. "What? Who? Keefe? When? H—How?"

Sophie shook her head. "I'll explain tomorrow. Just be here." Sophie thought. "Well, you live here…just be here."

She left it at that.

"Where are you going?" Fitz asked.

"I…have…something. You know." She shrugged.

"No, I don't."

"Don't worry about it."

Fitz tried not to.

Early (way too early, but Mr. Forkle wanted her there) in the morning, Sophie arrived again at Everglen. She held the Spyball, which was wrapped in a bundle of cloth.

Fitz gave her puzzled look.

She smiled—it seemed like a long time since she'd done that—and stepped into the house.

"Come on," Sophie said, walking up to Alden's office. She thought it must've been weird to have someone lead Fitz through his own house.

Fitz followed her into his father's office and furrowed his eyebrows at seeing Mr. Forkle sitting at the desk.

"When did you get here?" Fitz asked.

"Nine thirty."

Fitz scratched the back of his neck. "I can't…when…" he sighed. "Never mind."

Mr. Forkle seemed amused. "Let me see," he said to Sophie.

Sophie placed the wrapped up Spyball on the desk and pulled out her iPod from her pocket. Mr. Forkle and Fitz shared a look of confusion.

Sophie gave them a coy smile. "Dex helped me out…a bit."

I still have no idea what's going on. Fitz admitted in her head.

Sophie smiled as Fitz stared blankly at the Spyball and the iPod.

"Ready to be creepy, Wonderboy?"

After the Fitz managed to stop asking questions (which was about three days), they were able to stalk Keefe in silence.

No, it's not creepy.

For a week, whatever Keefe did lead them nowhere, and it was getting frustrating.

Then, on the 9th day, something came up. Something involving ice cream, Venice, fire bending, and blood.

Lots of blood.

I know I crapped up the end there, but the next chapter might be funny to you, who knows.

-Sassy di Angelo

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