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Dex decided to accompany Sophie home, though she already had enough protection with Sandor walking right behind them, his weapons at the ready.

Sophie had already told Dex about her Spyball and what she was currently doing with it (she couldn't help it, he was her best friend), and she could guess that was one of the reasons he had decided to tag along on her way home.

"So," Dex spoke on their way to Everglen's Leapmaster 500, earning a glare from the goblin behind them, who had been enjoying their silence for a while. "What's been going on? I haven't been visiting for a while, so I don't really know."

Sophie shrugged, her eyes trailed to the floor at her feet. "The usual: Fitz and I are practicing our cognates training and we're all still trying to get the Panakes remedy to all of the people infected. And...Prentice."

Dex smiled. He hadn't said anything about her and Fitz's sessions together, ever since Fitz had gotten hurt in Exile, he seemed more...chill around him, though Sophie could tell guilt still appeared in the back of Dex's mind.

"That's good," Dex said as they reached the crystal chandelier. "What about...other stuff?"

Sophie sighed. This is what she got for telling him about Keefe. "Nothing." She and Sandor stepped forward. "Havenfield."

Dex stepped forward too. "Actually I have something I want to talk to you about. About...you know."

Sophie let out another sigh as their crystal lowered to create a path of light. She didn't want to be a bad friend, but now was a time she wanted to be alone. And mourn.

Dex caught onto her thoughts. "You'll like it, I promise."

With that, the three of them stepped into the light, one of them regretting the life she was living, one of them so excited of nwhat he had up his sleeve his giddiness could be felt by an Empath a mile away, and one of them wishing they hadn't eaten so much of Edaline's mallowmelt and wondering if there were diets for goblins.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BREAK OF THE LINE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Alright, alright, alright already, let's get started." Dex rubbed his hands together in enthusiasm when he and Sophie were alone in her giant, flowery room. Sophie raised an eyebrow at Dex's terrible imitation of Matthew Mcconaughey, and her lips curved upwards slightly, but the smile never reached her eyes.

"Let me see the Spyball," Dex ordered her, pacing through the flower petals sewn into the carpet. "Oh, and your iPod!"

Sophie shot him a quizzical look, but she stood and walked over to the dresser next to her bed and pulled out the ball wrapped in cloth and her iPod. She handed them to him, and the first thing he did was take the iPod and snap off the back cover rather violently.

"Hey! Be care-!"

"Relax, Sophie," Dex laughed. "I know what I'm doing." He turned away from her, and under his breath he murmured: "Mostly."

Sophie heard what he said. "What are you doing?"

Dex turned around, holding her now jacked up iPod and a flashing Spyball. "I'm connecting them." At her confused face he quickly explained. "I had an epiphany earlier: that if I connected them, you would be able to hear what's happening as you watch. They're like speakers."

Sophie slowly understood what he meant. "So...like Bluetooth?"

Dex deadpanned. "Elves don't have blue teeth, though the hippocampi sometimes get blue teeth from eating the blue razzle berries in Atlantis." (Whatever, my knowledge is not broad, okay?)

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