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Sophie looked up.


"Were you even going to tell me? Because I promise I wouldn't have been mad."

Sophie shook her head. "When-how-you knew?"

Mr. Forkle laughed. "Of course. When I decided to give you the Spyball, I knew that if something were to happen...something like this, you would eventually use it. But you could have told me."

Sophie blinked. "So...you're not mad?"

Mr. Forkle sighed. "I am disappointed."

"I'm sorry."

"Are you going to stop now?"

Sophie paused. "No."

Mr. Forkle scowled. "Sophie, what Keefe does-what the Neverseen does-is none of your business-"

"Yes it is! Keefe is important to me! If something were to happen to him and I didn't know..." Sophie bit her lip roughly. "...I can't just leave him alone."

Mr. Forkle stared at her angrily. "He is not alone and I told you not to try to contact or spy on-"

"Yeah, well, I don't care."

Mr. Forkle glared. "Sophie-"


"What is wrong with you?"

A sob escaped Sophie's mouth a few seconds later and tears began to fall from her eyes, tears that she had been hoping would stay back, stay away forever because they hurt when they fell. She didn't deserve to cry not now-not ever-because her life was a lot better than other peoples.

"Sophie," she heard Mr. Forkle say softly, then two arms wrapped around her. She was shocked for a moment, because the only two people in this room were her and...

"Mr. Forkle?"


Sophie breathed in, the scent of Panakes blossom and strong odor of feet. Not a very good combination, but it was familiar enough to her that this smell had come slightly relaxing.

"I'm scared."

"We all are."

"But..." she sniffed. She didn't want to cover Mr. Forkle's clothing with snot, not when she already covered Fitz with her puke. "I'm scared...that when-if we fail, it'll be my fault."

Sophie could feel Mr. Forkle tense. "You're not alone here, Sophie. You have thousands of elves and gnomes and goblins ready to catch you if you fall, if you need a push to keep fighting." He pulled away from their embrace, his hands on her shoulders.

"So...you're not mad?"

Mr. Forkle deadpanned. "Don't do this again. If something happens..." he screwed his eyes shut. "Sophie, Spyballs are not as secure as you might think. They have flaws, and can be tracked. And I know for a fact that the Neverseen will do whatever it takes to get their hands on you. Don't risk it."

Sophie remained silent.

"Tomorrow," Mr. Forkle stated, "I want you to bring the Spyball here. You, Fitz, and I are going to have a chat."

"About what?"

Mr. Forkle smiled. "Fixing everything...and getting Keefe back."



Through The SpyballOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora