F I F T E E N » S . S

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I waited for Jeremy to speak and when he did, I was disappointed to know that he wasn't Hot Voice. When it was my turn, I quickly delivered my piece-which I regretted every word because of Hot Voice being there. There's only one name left. And then they said it. Chris. Hot Voice is named Chris.

"I am Chris Evans, thirty-four, and I am deaf..."

I felt my heart fall. No wonder 'Chris' didn't reply when I said that a few moments ago. The man I can't see with the beautiful voice is deaf.

"Alright let's get the meeting underway," one of the doctors say. "Let's get through the findings for prosthetics. We're settling down and will have a rehabilitation center for prosthetic appendages coming next month. For our gene therapy, we'll be opening that wing up in two weeks. Finally, for our blind patient, we have a slight change for you."

Excuse me?

"Sebastian, we'll be sending you to Texas for your treatment. It's a simple procedure, and then you will come here for rehab."

There's no way I'm leaving the state for an another failure.

"We'll need all of your answers by next Friday the 13."

I nod my head, and I guess everyone else does too. Then I tune the rest of the meeting out.


"So let me get this straight," Anthony says starting the car, "Hot Voice is named Chris, and he's deaf?"

I nod, "Pretty much. I wasn't expecting that. And pretty much Chris knows I'm blind now so...win win or lose lose or win lose; I don't freak know anymore."

Anthony is quiet, which is scaring me. He's never quiet.

"Maybe, you should go along with this trial."


"Go with the trial."

"Why? There's no point in going to any other state to get a disappointment."

"But what if it works?"

"It won't."

"Just shut up and think. What if it does work? You'd get to see the world."

"In black in white? I already told you I was born colorblind."

"I know that, but would you at least try?"


"Just try it, please."

Anthony never says please-let alone legs. He's a strong guy, and he's right. I should at least try-even though I'd rather not.

"Fine, I'll try it," I say, "but if it fails like all the others, I'm not doing any more trials."

"Deal, but just think if you give up you'd be disappointing five people."


"You're the mom, Scar, Liz, Chris, and me."

"How am I going to disappoint you?"

"By giving up on your first mission to see my beautiful, stunningly, attractive face."

"I can live...now take me home or take me to dinner either one."

He lets out a laugh, and I feel the car start to move.

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