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Sebastian Stan wakes up every day at 8:45 AM. He's greeted by his dog, two minutes later. They say it's boxer, but all Sebastian knows is that its name is Jax and he's Sebastian's eyes.

"Morning Jax."

Sebastian sits up in his bed and runs a hand through his hair. People say it's brown, but for all, he knows he needs a haircut. Anthony could do it, but he's out of town with his wife. Mom could do it. She always used to cut his hair when he was growing up.

"Jax," Sebastian says. "Take me to the phone."


Chris Evans sits in his living room. His brother, Scott, sits across from him.

'So I was like,' Scott signed. 'Why're you still touching me if I'm not paying for the massage.'

Chris feels his chuckle. His brother is laughing. Chris wishes to know what laughter sounds like to the ears. To hear thunder instead of just feeling it. To watch a movie without the subtitles at the bottom, to be like his family. To not be deaf.

'Why,' Chris begins, making his hands dance, 'do you always tell the same stories. I've heard that one a million times.'

Talking with his hands is like breathing. It's something he needs; it's not an option.

'Can you try speaking,' Scott signs. 'Mom and Dad want you to keep practicing, even if you're out of school and college. They still want you to keep practicing.'

Chris sighs. Why do they make me practice? Chris asks himself. He looks at his brother.

'Please,' Scott signs.

Chris sighs and nods. Taking a deep breath he opens his mouth, he may not be able to hear himself, but he can feel his vocal cords vibrating. The way his jaw moves when he's talking. He knows by memory what to say. He knows what to say.

"Scott you are annoying."


"Ok, terminat!"

Sebastian can feel the difference. His hair is cut short, but he can feel his bangs swoop down in his face. He believes his mother's small, delicate hands push them behind his ears. The scent of nail polish fills his nose.

"Ce culoare?"


She always does red. Sebastian's never seen the color before. He still remembers when he could see. But he was colorblind. All he saw was black and white, and soon enough he just lost his sight.

"Why do you always do red?"

"Because it reminds me of the color I wore when I found out I was going to have you."

Sebastian sits there and nods.


Chris opens his door and smiles at his parents. His mother comes up and kisses his cheek, and his father hugs him.

"Come in," Chris says. "I've missed you."

His mother smiles.

'We've missed you too," his father signs.

"Come eat," Chris says.

Everyone goes into the dining room and sits down. Chris goes to the counter and brings bowls to the table. He sits down, and they begin dinner.

Family dinner is where everyone is talking, and all Chris can do is sit there and read their lips.

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