T W O » C . E

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I wake up to the sun coming through my window. I look at my phone 9:23. I'm running late! I run to my closet and grab a pair of jeans and a black shirt.

I strip from my pajamas and quickly put everything on before I hurry to the bathroom and do my hair and brush my teeth. I put deodorant on as I run to my kitchen. Throwing my deodorant on the table, I grab my keys and an apple.

Slipping my black boots on I open the door and lock it. Then I run to my car and jump in. I look at my phone. 9:29. New record. Taking a bite out of the apple in my hand, I start the car.


Two minutes until I'm late. I speed up a little and pass three cars. Come on, come on, come on. I watch the light ahead of me turn yellow. Nope, stepping on the pedal a little harder I make it across the light before it turns red.

Sighing, I finish my apple and toss it in the passenger seat. Ice cream place, no. Dance Academy, no. Court house, no. Doctors office..yes. I turn in and find a parking spot near the front.

I look at my phone. Three minutes late. Damn. I hurry and get out of the car and jog to the front door, taking a deep breath I open the door.

Walking in I'm hit with the strong scent of Lysol and bleach; I walk to the front desk.

"Name?" I see her lips say.

"Chris Evans," I say.

She looks at me a second after typing my name in.

'Take a seat, Sir,' she signs.

I smile and nod. Turning around I don't see any open; then I see one.

It's in the back near the window. There's a blonde guy with black eyes, who has headphones in and speaking into his phone, to the right side of the seat. And on the left side, there's a guy with dark brown hair who's looking at the window with his sunglasses still on.

I walk over to the seat and look at the guy looking at the window. He turns his head in my direction.

"Is this seat taken?"

"No," his lips say, and then he looks at the ground.

I move to take a seat, but the guy stands up and runs straight into me. Does he not see me standing here?

"Watch where you're going," I say.

Empty Seat » Evanstan Where stories live. Discover now