Chapter One

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My head is spinning.

My vision keeps fading in and out.

A loud noise has been making my ears ring for the last twenty minutes making my head spin even more.

A Helicopter.

When I can finally keep my eyes open, I look around to see I'm about 40,000 feet in the air, surrounded by men in camouflage carrying big guns. Military?

If I move my head it sends splintering pain throughout me. My entire body aches.

Then It hits me. I'm in a helicopter with people whom I don't know. I sit up straight and fast as possible, ignoring the pain. I reach for my pistol that should be strapped to my side only to realize it isn't here, frieght taking over my body I try to stand up with no luck.

"You lookin' for this?" a deep voice says, holding up my holstered revolver. The man is about six foot three, weapons strapped to his side and hanging over his back. He is dressed in full camouflage riot gear, making it hard to see his features.

I go to speak but I just let out a harsh breath of air, making me cough harder than ever before, my lungs rattling around inside me. The same man with my gun hands me a bottle of water and two pills. Studying the pills, I look up at him; "Aspirin, Take them. We got to you just in time, you fell and split open your head." The man says.

So that's why my mean head is killing me. I nod to the man and take a large mouthful of water, savoring the wetness inside my dry mouth. I take another gulp and swallow the pills with it.

I let my voice recover for a few moments before speaking again. "Why did you take me... Why do you have my weapons?" I say in a tone that makes it seem like I haven't used my voice in years.

The man chuckles before speaking up; "We took you away from that graveyard you called home, there were dead-heads everywhere. Everyone is dead. We came in after seeing your friend go down, you fainted and the dead-heads were about to feast on you like you were thanksgiving dinner!" The man pauses, looking for my reaction to his attempted joke.

"We took you with us and took your weapons because we knew you wouldn't be to happy about this. But don't worry.. We're taking you someplace safe." The man finishes.

I scoff at the term "Safe." I've heard that one before.

Then I realize everything else he just said; "Everyone Is Dead."

It all returns to me...

"I love you, too." I whisper back to my one true love- Cole, Pulling the trigger.

I take a deep breath and look at Cole's lifeless body.

I start crying more than intended, not bothering to worry about the approaching walkers as I slowly back away and watch them feast on Cole's dead body.

I can't watch.

I take off in a sprint back to the apartment building to see three more walkers feasting on a dead body.

Please, not Mitchell.

I look at the person's face, Kayla's blonde hair is now covered in crimson blood.

I whimper and take out Cole's knife, driving it into the skulls of the three walkers still gnawing away at Kayla.

I consider shooting myself and ending it all when Mitchell runs up behind me.

"Where's everyone?" Mitchell Asks with a hint of sadness in my voice.

I think about it and reply coldly."Dead."

This triggers something in Mitchell and he starts reloading his guns, ranting on about how 'these fuckers don't get to live'. I agree and both of us take off on a killing spree, putting an end to most of the walkers that killed our friends.

I spot the mini herd feasting on Cole and lose it. I start walking towards them and shooting, not caring if I miss or not. I scream and cry and let it all out, kicking, hitting, stabbing, shooting, anything that gets in my way. I find myself in a corner and my gun clicks, out of ammo.

I go to run the other way when I realize I'm backed into a corner. I look to Mitchell for help as he starts shooting, his gun also running out of ammo. He goes to reload, dropping his gun.

A walker grabs me and I throw my elbow back, knocking some decayed teeth out of its skull, taking my blade and driving it into the walker's skull. The walker drops and more start to get closer, I try to remove the blade from the dead walker, but instead snap the blade off.

All I have is an empty pistol. I look back to Mitchell for help to see walkers dropping to their knees and piling onto Mitchell.

I start screaming, practically ignoring the sound of the rapid gunfire ahead. I fall to my knees and everything goes black.

I meet Mitchell in my unconscious dream. Maybe it's heaven? We're sitting on the beach of B.C, bites taken from each of us. I feel woozy as Mitchell plants a kiss on my lips, thanking me for being his friend. I feel the tears clogging up in my throat and decide that I cannot cry.

I wrap my arms around him and tell him I love him, entering the darkness that awaits me.

"Hello? Lady? You okay?" The man waves his hand in front of me slightly concerned. I nod and look at my gun in his hand; "May I have that back?"

The man smiled and lets out a little chuckle. "Where we're going.. You won't need one."

I get extremely confused and ask the question that I know I'm going to regret; "Where are we going?" The man smiles and laughs again, this time walking away towards the cockpit.

The man turns around and furrows his eyebrow. "What's your name anyways?"

I look at the man up and down, deciding not to lie I look him dead in the eyes before extending my hand.

"My name is Madison Mercer. And I... Am Alive.."

I Am Alive (The Dead Alive Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now