Chapter 3

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I guess I'm stupid. I probably should've just gone with Ithica, and avoided trouble. When I woke, my head hurt like death, and my hands and legs were tied. I had trouble processing my surroundings. I could hear voices, but I was too disoriented to pinpoint the direction they were coming from.

"Send her back if she doesn't want to be here." One voice said. "We don't need her. Especially if she isn't cooperative."

"You do need her. From what I can tell, she more powerful than all of you put together, but she doesn't even know it." Another said. Most likely Ithica.

"Guys she's awake." A third voice said.

"How can you tell?" The first voice asked sharply.

"Her energy changed. I'm not really sure. Must be something to do with the magic we've been told about."

I heard footsteps and then the ropes binding me unraveled, and i was flung into a sitting position. "Ahh!" I shout. "What the heck?" Ithica only smiled in response. That's when I realized that was now the size of a human. Or I had shrunk. Either way, she was maybe a few inches taller than me.

"I couldn't trust that you would get up on your own." Ithica said sweetly.

"How about you ask first! Why are you all big?"

"This is my natural size. I have to shrink to reach you land."

"But I thought fairies are small?"

"Those are pixies. Annoying little creatures. Come join us at our table, and we can begin to discuss why you are here." Ithica led me to a round table in the center of a room. The room was fairly large, and circular. Flowers were strung around the room like Christmas lights, and glowed. At the table, there were three girls who looked close to my age, and three other fairies.

I sat down and glared at everyone. There was an Asian girl with silver eyes, and black hair down to her waist, a redhead with green eyes and a face covered in freckles, and an Arabic looking girl with gold eyes. The Arabic girl had started to smile at me, but as I glared, her face fell. Her eyes seemed to change color. From gold to purple. It was strange. "You all are stupid." I tell them.

"Excuse me?" The Asian says in that weird way a lot of girls do.

"You all are stupid! Who would go with a flippin' mythical creature to a magical world, letting your family and friends forget about you?"

"I don't have anything great to go back to," the Arabic girl says looking down. "I'm a disappointment to my family. Better here than there."

"Ivy told me that I have opportunities for greatness here," The Asian states grimly. "Back at home my parents limit my options. I don't need barriers in my life."

"Fine. Maybe you're not really stupid, but hasn't it even crossed your mind that these fairies aren't really helping us?"

"Liberty!" Ithica says, "We really are helping you! Trust me, you will like it here much better."

I sigh. "Until I hear the whole story I can't trust you fully. I don't even know all your names."

"I'm Lei," the Asian says. "I'm 15 years old." She said the last part like it was some big achievement. We'll all be 15 someday for pete's sake.

"I'm Najila." The Arabic girl states. Her eyes were gold again which is odd. "Fourteen years old." She smiles uncertainly, and this time I smile back. Her smile grows wider, and her eyes seem to glow.

"I'm Keitha," I turn surprised to see that it was the redhead who spoke. I had actually forgot she was there. She had a slight accent. Scottish maybe? "I'm almost 14. Just a few weeks."

"Well that's great, nice to meet you all, goodbye." I stand up and start to walk to what looks like a door.

"Where are you going?" A fairy with blonde curls, and a flowery pink dress asks.

"I don't know. To find a way home I guess."

"Even if you do get home they won't remember you. There isn't a point." That made me stop. They wouldn't remember me. Tears began to fill my eyes. I turn around angrily.

"You're right. They won't remember me. But you're wrong because there is a point. There always is a reason to keep on trying. There are so many times in history someone could have said there is no point. If they did, there still would be slavery in the US, the Nazis would probably be ruling the world, and the United Stated would still belong to England. Don't try to tell me I can't. I've had enough of that. Mind your own freaking business, and let me do what I want. You don't control me." Rant finished, I storm out of the room. Surprisingly, nobody stops me.

The door leads to a long hallway lit by the same lights that were in the room. The walls were covered with paintings of fairies, and other weird looking things. As I walk I still feel angry. They had no right to steal me away. I'm a person, not some possession. The only problem is, I don't know where to start. I made an irrational decision.

I collapse to my knees and begin to cry. Stupid, I know, but hey it was an awful situation. I just sob, not able to control myself. The fairy was right. Even if I do get home, I don't even know how to get my family to remember me even a little. I have to try though, right?

Rain starts to fall down on my back as I cry. I lay down on my back and watch the dark clouds. Lightning flashed, lighting up the sky. It calmed me a bit to see something else crying. Even if the sky isn't a person.

I feel something under me, poking my back. I reach and pull out a piece of wood. I study it and realize that it's the same material as the walls. I look around to see more wood was surrounding me. That's when it hit me. It's raining in a building. I could see the clouds. Something had blown off the ceiling.

"What the heck?" I yell and run back to the room. The table and chairs had been blown into bits. Everyone was gone. I pulled my hair out of my face when I realized I was completely dry. I could feel the rain, but it didn't make me wet.

"The source of the magic is in that room! Go!" I whip around to see four male fairies run into the room. They wore black outfits and held gun looking things. "Where did the monster go?" One of the fairies spoke. He had light blonde hair tinted green, and yellow wings.

"There isn't any monster! I don't know what happened!"

"Sir, she's the source." A Mexican looking fairy with red wing informs him.

"Are you sure?" The blonde asked him never taking his eyes off me.

"I'm a certified energy tracker. She is the center of the energy."

"Well then, I hope this doesn't kill her." Before I can react he shoots his gun thing, and a dart sticks into my arm. Everything goes dark.


Mwahahahahaha! A cliff hanger! :) where do you think the others went? Comment!

Also vote. Don't be afraid! I want my story to be known!

Also, should I enter my book in the 2016 Watty's? Let me know!

Thanks y'all! Byyyyye!

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