Chapter 17: I Think The War Started Part Two

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Me: okay I haven't updated in like a week so I decided to update

Leo: if your a ghost how can you hold your phone?

Me: *pushes Leo out a window* don't listen to him he had too much sugar

Kayla's POV

I could hear the fighting going on and my sister's faint, desperate, gasps of air. I looked over to her.

This is all my fault I thought. If I wasn't so stupid by getting cornered, she would be fine. We both would still be fighting. I don't know when the other demigods are getting her but it needs to be soon.

"Mia." I said softly for the 13th time now. "Mia you need to wake up. Please sister." I said as silent tears streamed down my face.

There was a loud roar coming down the hallway and I gripped my dagger in one hand and held Mia's in the other. "It's fine. It's fine don't panic. I got this." I said and took deep breaths.

The door suddenly shook with a force that made the windows rattle. It shook again and a near window started cracking.

The door fell off its hinges and landed with a loud bang. There stood a lastrigonian giant. (idk how to spell it)

The same one that killed my family.

Hazel's POV

Nico was fighting furiously, stabbing and slicing every monster near him. I heard a loud horn blow and then knew that Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter were here.

More battle cries filled the air and saw Frank run outside. "Nico stay safe! I'm going with Frank." I kissed his cheek and made my way to the doors, where more and more monsters filled the places for the ones that died. A telkhine blocked my way and slashed my arm. I gasped a little and swung my sword, cutting into his neck. He dissolved into gold dust and I continued to make my way out side.

I heard a familiar whinny of a horse that made me stop. "Arion!!" I shouted and he ran over to me. I summoned a golden nugget and fed it to him. "I missed you." I said and swung my leg around him. He galloped over to Reyna, who was fighting a giant.

"Hey!! Wart Face!!" I yelled at him. He roared and glared at me. "WHAT?!?!?!" He shouted. I smirked at him. "Catch me if you can." And with that Arion bolted away.

Jason's POV

Piper and I were taking on the Chimera. "Jason! Give me a lift!" Piper shouted and I willed the wind to carry her into the air. She aimed her dagger at its one, unwound end eye as I stabbed the other one moments ago. The threw the dagger and it hit the Chimera's eye smack dab in the middle. Piper had a look on triumph, until the Chimera swung it's tail, hitting her in the back. She fell and when she hit the ground, got knocked out cold. "Schist!" I said. I charged at the Chimera and lunged, planting my sword through its skull.

"Piper!" I shouted to her but I got nothing. I looked at her head and saw it was bleeding.

Leo's POV

Calypso saw Piper on the ground and immediately ran over. I heard a loud bang upstairs and the color drained from my face. Kayla and Mia are upstairs.

I bolted out of the Great Hall and by the time I got to the hospital wing, I saw Kayla and a unconscious Mia hiding under a bed. I panicked as I saw both of their wounds bleeding and a giant making its way towards them.

"Hey!!" I shouted. "No Leo!! You don't understand how stro-" Kayla started but he already shot a fire ball at me. It hit my stomach with force that made me hit the wall. But other than that I was fine.

The giant looked disappointed when I didn't get burned. "I'm immune, you big pile of centaur schist." I charged at him with my hammer and hit his foot. He howled in pain and fell down. I took this as an advantage to hit his face and he roared in anger. I took a Celestial Bronze screw driver out of my tool belt and stabbed his eyes. He let out one last cry before dissolving into golden dust.

I heard Kayla sigh in relief and I helped her with their wounds.

Frank's POV

I saw a giant chasing after Hazel, who was on Arion. "Hazel!" I shouted and ran after her.

I shifted into a dragon and flew over to them. I then breathed fire on his back to get his attention and it did. "WHAT DO YOU WANT, SON OF MARS?!" He roared. I lunged at his face and he flew backwards, then Hazel and Arion ran onto him and she stabbed his face. The monster dissolved and I shifted back into my human form.

"Frank!" Hazel yelled and got off of Arion. "That drains your energy!" She said and hugged me. (Awe FRAZEL MOMENT!! Ok sorry continue) I smiled but then it disappeared when I heard a roar of a drakon. 

"Hazel! We need Clarri-" I got cut off by someone yelling, "HEY!! TOILET BREATH!! I KILLED YOU ONCE I'LL GLADLY DO IT AGAIN!!!" It was Clarrise. "Get Piper!!" I said to Clarrise. She nodded and ran off.

Clarrise's POV

I ran inside the castle and looked around for Piper. I finally saw her sitting on the ground and Jason and Calypso kneeling next to her.

"Piper!" I ran up to her, out of breath. "Drakon... Outside..... We need to kill it!" I said between breaths.

"Can you do this?" Jason asked her. She nodded with a look of determination in her face. I helped her up and we ran outside.

"I'll run up to it and distract it while you sneak around and stab one on its eyes." I said, making a plan. She nodded and went a different way as I ran up to it.

"Hey Toilet Breath!! Did you miss me? I will destroy you for what you did to Selina." I said coldly and hit its face using my spear. I saw Piper make her way up to its face on the left and then she stabbed an eye. It roared in pain and as it cowered in pain, I stabbed through its skull, going all the way through. It roared a last turn before dissolving into golden dust. I picked up my spear and made my way back into battle.

~three hours later~ Harry's POV

I looked around me and saw three figures in the distance. I recognized one of them.


Hello peeps there will be a part three just to let you know and the chapter is 1140 words long.  Ta ta


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