Chapter 10: Reviled

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Me: hey guys!

Percy: *whispers* disclaimer

Me: *huffs* DO I EVER GET TO TALK?!?!

Percy: naw. Mia doesn't own PJO, HoO or HP two mortals do

Me:eh good enough to the story!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Percy's POV

I woke up to a girl screaming. I shot out of bed and ran to Mia's room and kicked the door open. Mia was sweating and she had gashes on her like she was whipped. "MIA! MIA WAKE UP!!" I screamed at her but she wouldn't wake up.

The rest ran in including the golden trio. Calypso poured some nectar on her wounds and they began to close up.

Mia finally woke up but her eyes were red like she say crying. She saw the golden trio and narrowed her eyes. "Get out." she said glaring. They didn't move but there was a bucket of water for her wounds. "Mia-" I started but it was too late.


The golden trio were soaked. "Get out!" she said again. "What-? How?!" Ron sputtered.

That's when Mia started to shout some colorful words at them in Ancient Greek. Some words I would never think she would shout but then again, she has some serious anger issues. You should have seen her when Leo took a blue cookie from our blue cookie stash. She is very protective about that stash.

Ah getting off track, sorry.

Jason flicked his hand and the golden trio flew backwards and out of the room and the door slammed shut.

I looked at Mia with concern. "Mia, what did you dream about." I asked. She shook her head. "For now, I only want to tell you." I nodded and motioned for the others to go. Once they were out, she started talking.

"I was in this dark room, chained to the wall and Gaea, Kronos and some weird noseless guy that looked like a snake were there too. Kronos was holding a Celestial Bronze whip and he started torturing me and demanding questions. I wouldn't answer so he would continue to whip me and asked the same questions. This wasn't a normal dream where I couldn't feel anything, I could feel every little bit. It was almost like I was there." she started to break down and cry again.

"Shh, it's ok.We will work everything out. Shh." I said while hugging her. I handed her some tissues and kissed the top of her head.

"Why don't you clean up and get dressed. We have to revile ourselves today." I said while walking out and closing the door.

Breakfast Mia's POV

I took a shower and put on some jeans, a white t-shirt and dark purple converse. (a/n I actually have dark purple converse and I love them) When I walked out to the common room I saw the rest waiting for me.

"Ok, now that Mia's here we can go." Annabeth said while getting up. We all went to the great hall and walked up to the front of he room. Dumbledore smiled at us when we walked up to him.

Percy stepped up so he was in front and pulled me with him. "Some of you may have noticed that we are not like you. Well that's because we aren't, we are demigods. Half god half mortal." Percy started while the students started shouting.



"Bloody hell!"

"Leave us alone you half breeds!"

That last last one ticked me off and the one and only Malfoy said it. I walked right up to him and said,"What did you call us?" the floor started shaking and water rose from their glasses.

He smirked but his eyes were full of fear. "You don't scare me!" he spat. (cowardly I might add) The water rose and formed a ball of water above his head.

"Hey Malfoy." I said. "What!". "Look up.". He did and I dropped the water on his face.

I walked back up to Percy. "Continue Percy." I said like nothing happened.

"Right, well Mia and I are children of Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes." He said. To demonstrate, I started making a mini earthquake and make the floors crack and Percy started controlling water and making it into fish of all types. When we were done we made a huge trident out of water.

Jason and Thalia were up next. "We're children of Zeus/Jupiter." Jason summoned lightning and flouted a few feet in the air. Thalia summoned lightning too and they made a bolt out of lightning. (a/n do ya get wat I mean? it's hard to explain)

Hazel and Nico stepped up and Hazel said,"I'm a daughter of Pluto and Nico is a son of Hades." Hazel made jewels come out of the ground and Nico summoned skeleton warriors. They made a helm out of bones and jewels.

Next it was Annabeth's turn. "I don't have a special power but I bet I am the smartest and wisest out of all of you. I also have this." she took out her Yankees cap and put it on then appeared by the Ravenclaw table. She reappeared up front. "Daughter of Athena." she said.

Next, Leo was up.

Oh no. Me and Calypso exchanged a look.

"THIS BOY IS ON FIRE!!!!!!" He yelled as he burst into flames.

Everyone screamed and started running around but I just sighed and dumped water on him.

"Hey! Mia why did you do that?" he complained. I rolled my eyes and motioned for Frank to go.

"Son of Hephaestus my peeps!" Leo said quickly and then bowed.

"I'm a son of Mars and this is my power." Frank turned into a bird and flew around then turned into a bear then back to his regular self.

Next was Piper. "I am a daughter of Aphrodite and my power is charm speak. Leo, Percy can you come forward?" they grumbled but went over to her. "Thank you. Now do the Macarena." she said smiling. They obeyed but they couldn't dance to save their lives. Looks like Piper and I need to give them more lessons. When they were done their faces were as red as Weasley's hair.

Then it was Calypso's turn.

Calypso's POV

I was nervous about telling them who I was. Now it was my turn. I took a deep breath and started. "I am neither demigod nor mortal." I started. People gasped and protested.




"SILENCE!" I yelled at them. "Let me finish. I am Calypso, a daughter of Atlas. I am immortal but I was cursed for helping the titans at the first Titan war. Zeus had ordered me to an island named Ogygia. I had a curse that heroes would go their an I would want them to stay but they always had to leave and no man has ever crossed Ogygia twice. That was until Leo Valdez broke my curse and got me off that horrid island." I finished.

Everyone was silent after that.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so my dear demigods, how was that? Also I'm gonna do another Stuff About Mia cause I forgot some things so ya... Oh wait!!!!! so my class at school we are reading the lightning thief and we are on the chapter right after Percy killed the minotor and no one has read it except for me, Bryce and Reece and every one is just like "what? no way!" and other stuff like that and they also say the movies were awesome and me and Bryce in sync said They Were Horrible!!!! but anyways some one is gonna have to put duct tape on my mouth when Annabeth says the famous line 'You drool in your sleep" then walks away. byeeee


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