Chapter 15: Getting Ready For The Ball

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Me: hey guys! ready for yet another chappie?!?! I hope so! NICO DO THE DISCLAIMER!!!

Nico: ok ok! no need to yell in my ear!! Mia doesn't own PJO HOO or HP some *yawn* other people do. Can I go back to sleep now?

Me: huh? oh ya sure sure whatever u want *smiles! and has no idea what he is talking about* to the story!

Mia's POV (three hours before the ball)

All of us girl demigods and Luna, Calypso, Ginny and Hermione were in the Gryfindor girls section and we had three hours till the ball.

My dress was a floor length dress, it was a light turquoise color and it had rhinestones all around the waist and some on my chest. My shoes were four inch heels and sparkly silver. My hair was up in a perfect bun with some loose hairs framing my face and for make up I had some mascara on, silver eyeshadow and to finish that a nude color lipstick.

Kayla's dress was a two piece. It was white and the skirt had a slit on the side. For her hair we put it in a twisty bun and put I white flower in the bun. We gave her simple white heels and fir make up she had red lips and red eyeshadow.

Thals really liked her dress and that's saying something. It was black of course, floor length, and had black lace over it. She wore simple black high heels and her make up had a theme of black (a/n you get the picture make something up on your mind)

Annabeth's was sort of similar to Thalia's. It was a sparkly silver gray color and was floor length. She had gray heels and her hair was in a French braided bun. She had on mascara, black eyeshadow and nude lipstick.

For Calypso's dress it was strapless, floor length and had a slit up the side. It was white with pinkish flowers starting from her waist up to her chest. We had her hair stay down and her shoes were plain white heels. Her make up was pink eyeshadow and light pink lipstick.

Piper had a floor length, light salmon pink dress with gems covering her chest. Her hair had her usual side braid with a white feather and we gave her silvery heels. She had a light color eyeshadow and light salmon pink lipstick.

Hazel's dress was orange with gems on her chest and her caramel hair was pulled back into a twisty bun and we gave her gold heels. For make up she had golden eyeshadow and golden lipstick.

Hermione's dress was navy blue with metal swirl designs from the waist up. Her hair was in a braided crown and she had navy blue heels with some silver on them. She had navy blue lipstick and eyeshadow.

Ginny had a purple dress with gems on her chest and she had matching purple heels. While I was putting her hair into a French braid I asked her, "Who are you going to the ball with?" "Oh Harry asked me two weeks ago and I said yes." she said. I smiled while putting the elastic in her hair. "Ok lets do your make up." I sat her down on a stool and decided to give her silver lips and purple eyeshadow. "There." I said doing another layer of eyeshadow.

"Ok Luna, you got your dress on?" she came out behind the changing fence thing and walked over to me. She had a light blue dress and from the waist up it had gems. "Here." I said handing her matching light blue heels. She put them on and sat down on the stool. "I'm thinking pinning your hair all to one side and putting this headband with the white flowers on you. What do you think?" I asked. "Yeah do that." she said. I combed her hair and pinned her hair to the right side, bringing her hair over her shoulder. Then I put the headband in. After for we make up I gave her white eyeshadow and light blue lips.

"Ok everyone good? Ok well come on then we don't wanna be late!" I said.

We all walked into the common room to see our dates waiting for us. Nico gelled his hair so it wasn't covering his eyes, which is a change. His tie matched my dress and he had a white rose in his lapel. My favorite flower.

He smiled at me and whispered into my ear, "You look beautiful, as always."

Yep I defiantly blushed.

As we walked into the great hall, I noticed how different it looked without the tables. Streamers that seemed to keep changing color were draped all around the hall, to one side there was a long table with food and drinks of all kinds on it, In the front stood a humongous Christmas tree and it was also snowing but when the snow would get close to the ground, it would disappear.

I can't wait to get on that dance floor!!

So how did you like it and is that two chapters in one day?! well I'm on a roll aren't I?



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