06. Secret love

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"A-Armin..." I manage, blown away by his statement. There was no questioning it, I was in love with him too. He made me feel happy, he was adorable, funny, kind and so much more. The thing that I was unsure about was whether or not this was right for us? For two men to be together like a man and a woman would. I wanted it, I wanted it with all my heart. I grabbed his hand, dragging him with me as I ran. I bolted into a toilet cubicle, locking the door behind us and lightly putting Armin against it before pressing my lips to his in a sweet kiss. I pulled back slowly, my eyes fixed on his flustered face. I couldn't tell if his expression was one of disgust or overwhelming joy. He reached a hand up, cupping my face gently and smiling. We were both thinking the same thing. 'I love you'.

"Eren, when we get to America, promise that you won't leave me."

"I promise," I said, my hand on top of Armin's. I could picture it, all of the things we were going to do together. Ride a horse along the beach, racing one another up and down. We could go on a roller coaster, Armin squeezing my hand as it drops. Maybe, if possible, we could even get married and start a family. I would like that. 

The realisation swept over me of how strange it would've looked for me to drag Armin into a toilet cubicle with me. What else could I have done? I couldn't of just kissed him in public, that'd be even stranger for any passers by. No, that was my best option. 

I was on the biggest ocean liner, with my family close by and with Armin in my arms, things couldn't  have gotten any better.

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