time outside the class

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time outside class 

-Tadashi -

"Oh. I am sorry, I am new to this city is all," she says. I am running late for class, but a five minute delay never harmed anybody. On the other hand, she looks like an awkward scared sparrow in a world of pigeons with her short messy brown hair, black eyes and all. I might as well be the better pigeon and help her out. 

"That's alright," I smile and put my hand forward, "I am Tadashi Akiyama."

"Madiha," she takes my hand and tries to smile at me but frowns. She has rough hands for a girl. Even her pale face, though young, does not glow like that of a happy woman. It is calm, like a moon on a starless night. Her dress coat is a drab maroon and worn out. At least she has an umbrella, a dull white one to keep herself dry in the rain for when she gets down the bridge. She does not appear to be one taking care of herself at all.

"Is this city always so chaotic?" she murmurs out of the blue. Her voice laced with a tinge of annoyance. She brings back her hand to rub her arm for warmth.

She is so out of place - standing alone and stationary on a crowded bridge like a piece of jigsaw puzzle belonging to some other picture, a pause in time, a semi colon breaking a sentence, a stable and silent figment of life.

"Yes, that's Tokyo for you. The sooner you get used to it the better," I say, glancing at my watch to check the time only to realize it's not running out but has already gone. My class began fifteen minutes ago and I wasted my time gazing at this unknown girl. I run a hand through my hair wondering if Mr. Copenhagen will let me cover my absentee with extra homework. I need those History credits badly.

"I doubt I will ever get used to it, thank you for the kind advise Ta-da-shi. I, uh, have to go now. Thanks again," she smiles, just a little twitch of the corners of her thin straight lips. I grin back, seeing she is more cloddish than I usually am. The way she says my name with pauses is eccentric. 

 I adjust my glasses and wipe the mist on them on my shirt. 

She awkwardly brings her hand up and waves slightly, her lips frowning again. Her head bows down, hair falling in front of her face. Then she turns to leave.

Ten feet away from her, just when she is about to get swallowed by the swarms of people, outside the bridge in rain and away from my sight, it strikes me that I have nothing to do for the next two hours.

"Hey! Wait! Madiha!" I shout, pushing through the mass. 

But by the time I reach the spot where I saw her brown head, she has vanished somewhere in between all the colorful umbrellas, and there are just too many whites.

But by the time I reach the spot where I saw her brown head, she has vanished somewhere in between all the colorful umbrellas, and there are just too many whites

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||Time and Again ||

My entry for #Wattys2016

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(pretty please)

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well. It's raining a lot where I live. I love it :D

To the new ones who are entering #Wattys for the first time, know that it is not just about winning. It's more about discovering new authors, helping each other, making friends and just writing and updating everyday and loving what you write. Don't care if anyone will appreciate or not, write for yourself first :)

Never be sad if you do not win but also, never give up :)

Love you all.

.S a s h.

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