Victims of Fate

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This is a cover I made for this story, which isn't nearly as good as Bel's, but I thought I'd put it up.

Fate has a tragic scrawl, hurting more than any stab wound ever could. -subtitles.


Kronos rose, an evil smile on his lips as he admired the golden sword in his palm. He held the blade up to look at himself, fixing his hair as he squinted through the blood. He stared himself in the eyes afterward, glowing vibrantly.

Kronos screamed, dropping to his knees and clutching his head. Blood poured out of his nose, dripping over the floor and his clothes, mixing with the blood of the recently fallen Demigod next to him. He tugged at the hair of his vessel, writhing in agony, throwing his head back as he shrieked.

And then he became still, slumping on the floor next to Percy. When he awoke, someone was holding his arms carrying him. He jerked away, landing on the floor, gasping and shuddering. Luke looked around him, panicking as he saw all the people surrounding him.

The Gods towered over him, along with several Demigods, including Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia. His head whipped around quickly, even as Annabeth and Thalia got ahold of him once more. Red caught his vision, and suddenly he was staring at a dead body.

The body of his soulmate, who he had watched himself kill. Luke whimpered, sagging to his knees, pulling the girls down with him slightly, before they dragged him back up.

"Please." He whispered. A single, small word, hardly audible. His head was ducked down in misery, hair falling into his eyes as he stared blankly at the ground.

"Please what, traitor?" Thalia spit. Luke winced.

"Please kill me."

"Oh-oh, you think you're getting off that easy? After all you've done-"

"Thalia! Be quiet!" Artemis scolded. "Though I can't say I disagree. Father?"

Zeus leaned down from his throne. "Death seems too easy for the crimes you have committed, but I haven't heard such pain within a voice in centuries. Why do you wish to be slayed, traitor?" Zeus said, voice carrying easily across the giant room, even as he spoke quietly.

"I killed him." Luke whispered.

"You have slain many. What is one more to you?"

Luke closed his eyes, tears dripping down his face for all to see. He was such a failure. Somehow, he had managed to throw Kronos off before, but not before he could keep him from killing Percy, the only thing that could make his life worth something again.

Why hadn't he been able to do it? Wasn't that why he had join Kronos? Because he believed he was broken? That he didn't deserve a soulmate, and would never be ready for one?

He was useless.

"Please just kill me. I killed him. It hurts so much." Why hadn't he been able to just hold on for one more second? Just enough to take off his armor and hit his Achilles Heel. And then he could have saved Percy.

"Answer me." Zeus demanded.

"Father," Thalia spoke softly. "Look at his wrist." Cautiously, Thalia grabbed Luke's hand, brandishing it for all to see. Percy Jackson it read. "Nico, check Percy."

Looking like the plague would catch him if he did, Nico reluctantly walked over to Percy's cold body, flipping his wrist, where it read Luke Castellan in cursive writing.

"I wasn't able to save him. Please. I'm so sorry. Please just kill me." Luke became completely limp. Thalia and Annabeth set him gently on the floor, where he stayed. He had no fight left in him.

Fates Writing -Percy Jackson (short) Fanfiction-Where stories live. Discover now