Chapter 2

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I don't know why I updated 2 times in a night lol. Oh right, cuz now that I am Dan and Phil trash, I have destroyed any social life I ever had. Yayy. :/
Phil's POV

Lately, my apartment has felt quite empty and I think I should get a roommate. I hate being so alone, I worry i'll start talking to myself and accidentally summon ghosts or something. I was thinking about asking Chris or Pj but I don't think they would accept. It would be weird since they make videos together alot. I would ask Dan but I don't think he would accept either, we basically just met. Also, there is no way i'll move in with my parents. So I guess it's just me and my lion stuffies.

I hear my laptop make a dinging noise. I check and notice that Dan had tweeted saying, My apartment is lonely, anyone wanna chat?
Not only did I wanna chat but i wanted him to be not lonely. It's crazy how he tweeted that while I was thinking about it. It was probably meant to be.
I texted him, Hey Dan, you said u were lonely?
I guess I should have finished that sentence so it was less weird but he responded first, Yeah :(
Well I don't know what made me decide to ask so soon but I did,
I was looking for a roommate, are you interested in moving in with me for a year?
I waited nervously for his response. I guess it makes me kinda brave for even asking. After all, he is fricking danisnotonfire!
Sure, why not? I think it'll be fun. When should I move in?
I sighed in relief. Dan is going to move in. This will be so great.
Anytime really. :p
Quickly he replied, Is a week alright? I don't have much to pack honestly.
I started to get nervous again. Thats not long. But if he thinks it's okay then it's fine with me. Sounds good. I'll talk to you later.

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