Chapter Thirty-Five

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                        "He was pretty upset this morning for some reason, Lil," Eli answered. "He really wouldn't let on much about what happened, but he said he was going to go for a walk alone while we came to look for you."

Lily blinked as a sudden wave of guilt came over her. Rudy was upset because of her actions the previous night. It was her fault, and she knew it. The pit in her stomach deepened.

"Lily, do you know what's wrong with him?" Nora asked.

                        Although she didn't really want to tell her friends about her little spat with Rudy, she knew it was probably the right thing to do, "We got into an argument last night, and I was kind of mean to him. I was pretty out of line, looking back on it now."

"What did you argue about?" Cassie asked.

                        Lily started, "Well, he was mad because—"

"Can we please get back to the issue at hand?" Eli asked, all heads turning to him. "You know, the fact that we found Lily unconscious in a random classroom. That seems a bit more pressing than an argument at the moment because we all know those two will make up in under five seconds."

                        Cassie shrugged, "I guess he's got a point."

Lily, however, didn't see Eli's point and got quickly to her feet. Her relationship with Rudy had to take precedence, "I have to go talk to Rudy before we do anything else. I have to apologize."

                        "Lily, we should probably get you to the hospital wing," Eli said as Lily began walking out of the classroom.

"Agreed," Hugo said. "Come on, little cousin."

                        Lily didn't even bother turning around to respond to her impossible cousin and friends, who chased after her, "One: I'm not your little cousin, Hugo. Two: I am absolutely fine and do not need to go to the hospital wing. I need to go find Rudy and apologize about what I said to him last night. It wasn't right, and I need to go fix it."

"Well, can you tell us what happened on the way to find him?" Nora asked, jogging up to meet Lily.

                        Lily stopped, finished with her friends intent questionings, turning back to look at the four of them, "Here's what happened, if you all want to know so badly. These people leaving the common room woke me up early this morning, and Rudy and I went after them. Rudy and I had an argument, and he went back to Gryffindor Tower. I kept looking for those people, and when I got to this hallway, I heard Ike and Douglas talking all suspiciously about how if they keep doing something that they'll get caught. Then, at the other end of the hallway, I heard some footsteps, and then, someone stunned me."

                        "And so the plot thickens," Eli said as the five second years continued their trek to find Rudy. "Ike and Douglas were surely up to no good. There's no doubt in that."

"I definitely agree," Nora said. "Those two are bad news."

                        "I still need to know who stunned you though, Lily," Hugo said. "The Weasley-Potter boys will not stand for this. I need to go rally the troops."

Lily grabbed her cousin's wrist and pulled him toward her, so she could look him in the eyes, "You will not do that, Hugo. We don't have to involve my brothers and Fred and Louis. We can deal with this with just the six of us—like always."

                        "Fine, but when we find out who stunned you, I'm going to murder them by myself," Hugo said, crossing his arms.

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