100 Word Stories and Fun Foreshadowing

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One secret Know-It-All never shared was her love of playgrounds. There she was free to play with others without worrying about what the future glimpses might mean. Hopping off the slide she swallowed a bit of jealousy as she glared at a father pushing his child. She already knew adults were untrustworthy. Taking a swing next to the father daughter, she had difficulty getting started. A sudden push gave her more than she expected. Seeing a future with her at dinner with that family, she panicked. She jumped from the swing and ran. Some things just could not be true.


Ms. Murphy smiled sweetly at the guard as he walked her back to her cell. He couldn't imagine how such a gentle child could have ended up in this maximum security facility. It was hard to visualize that she was considered one of the most dangerous children kept here. As he escorted her to her bed, he brushed a few of her things, knocking them to the floor. Bending over, he helped her gather her loose items before leaving. Ms. Murphy got a devious grin as she pocketed the dropped key card. Things were falling right into place quite easily.


Paperwizard checked the email carefully to make sure he had covered everything. It was vital that Skyizblue be willing to accept the request he was submitting. It was a matter of life, liberty, and his future happiness. He enjoyed her challenges, but the contest idea he had seen floating around was above human endurance. It was up to him to protect those weaker than him. After clearing up a minor grammar mistake, he submitted the email. He would succeed somehow, he had to. He was confident. The idea of a contest to write a twenty word story would be squashed.

Simple Solution

Golden Girl and Her Majesty had finally decided to seek help on ways to wake Dreamy when she was having one of her dreams that created manifestations. After examining their room, Whiz, the schools self declared mad scientist, went into an explanation of an elaborate device that would effectively and consistently douse Dreamy in the case of such an emergency. Odds who had tagged along, looked thoughtful as Whiz droned on and on.

When Whiz took a breath, Odd added a suggestion. "Why don't you just get water guns?"

Golden Girl and Her Majesty looked at each other and grinned.

Author's note: As usual I have found yet another contest to enter. The goal is to write a story in 100 words. All of the above stories are exactly 100 words not including their title. I am asking your help in selecting which story I should submit for the contest. Please comment and tell me which one is your favorite story. I will be submitting the favorite on Saturday, July 2.

On a more serious note, I will be taking a hiatus from regularly publishing in this story. For the next couple months, I will be focusing on my other book. I am considering entering "Heroes in Training" into the Watty's. While I might have a story or two show up in here, I will be giving it a rest and trying to publish more frequently on my other story. The anthology has done its job by priming the pump. Now for the main event. Hope to see you over in Heroes in Training. Things are just about to get crazy. Poor Odds. (hee hee hee)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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