II. Chapter 34 | Part 2 - Stone

Start from the beginning

He followed her in and when Aubree climbed out, Gwen's emotions crashed over him as Aubree approached her with the rabbits.

[Papa?] Gwen's wolf whimpered when he opened his mind to her as he climbed out of the tunnel and into the safe room.

Gwen's huge wolf was lying on a makeshift bed of blankets and pillows in the small room, taking up half of the floor space by the sheer size of her body alone.

[Yes, Schatzi?] he asked as he joined Aubree's side as she crouched down on her knees next to Gwen.

"It's okay, Gwen," Aubree said as she took Gwen's huge paw in her hands and held it as she gazed down in Gwen's brown eyes as they filled with tears. "No one has to hide anymore."

Stone brushed his fingers behind Gwen's ear as joyful whines and whimpers vibrated up Gwen's throat as she closed her eyes and tears dripped down the corners.

[I'm so happy for you,] she said as she began to huff, so overcome with emotions that she could hardly breathe. [So happy.]

He kissed the top of Gwen's head and promised to bring her upstairs after she'd eaten.

When Gavin, Alistair, Gunner, and Hector returned at dawn after a long, bloody night, they stopped and stared in the doorway as they took in the sight of Aubree sitting on the corner of the couch with Gwen lying on her back next to her, petting Gwen's wolf head on her lap with Gwen's feet hanging off the armrest at the other end.

Stone sat on the plush recliner next to her, hiding a smirk behind his hand as he watched their reactions, keeping his mind locked from the bombardment of questions he knew they were dying to ask.

Stone sat on the plush recliner next to her, hiding a smirk behind his hand as he watched their reactions, keeping his mind locked from the bombardment of questions he knew they were dying to ask

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Aubree looked up and smiled at them and their shocked expressions. "Hey, guys. Welcome home."

"Knuddelmuddel!" Alistair rushed across the space and pounced on Aubree, wrapping her into his arms from behind the couch before ruffling Gwen's head.

"I knew you could do it," Gavin said as he joined his uncle's side and grinned down at Aubree as he leaned over the back of the couch.

Gunner walked up to the space between Aubree and Stone and crouched down on one knee with his head bent toward Aubree. "Forgive me, Luna."

Aubree's brows knotted together as she looked from Gunner to Stone and back. "For what?"

"I opposed your union in the beginning because you are human," Gunner said, his head still bowed. "As a human, I subjected you to the rules of our race in accordance with the Lycan Code. I believed you to be inferior. I believed you to be incapable of accepting our wolves. I believed you to break under pressure when given a challenge. I feared for your safety and believed it was best that Stone avoid you and reject your bond. I was wrong. You have proved me wrong and the bond you and Alpha share cannot be questioned. Even I feel it."

Stone knew where he was coming from, and understood the remorse he had for carrying those prejudices as Stone felt the same at one point. He put his hand on Gunner's shoulder and allowed his emotions to pass through the touch.

Gunner touched Stone's hand but kept his head down. [I need to relieve my conscience.]

"It's okay, Gunner," Aubree said. "I understand."

He shook his head. "I have endured much in my life. Losing my own mate, I understood what Stone went through when we lost Adelaide. When we found you, I could not comprehend it. I could not accept it. Did not want to accept it. It was too dangerous for you to be put in this position. I was wrong. You are the heart. And I will lay down my life to ensure the safety and well-being of your own."

Aubree put her hand on Gunner's other shoulder and he lifted his eyes to meet hers. "I hope it doesn't come down to life and death, but you have my forgiveness if that's what you want. You can stop mentally beating yourself up now."

"Thank you, Luna," he said as he tilted his head in submission, exposing his neck at her.

"I never doubted you, Aubree." Hector strolled casually across the room. The corners of his lips quirked up. "And in addition to a successful night, I say we all celebrate before we get some much-needed rest. What say you, Alpha?"

Stone rubbed his eyes. "Seeing as everyone is exhausted, I'd say the celebrations will have to be minimal, or brief at best."

"Nonsense," Alistair quipped. "We will build a giant bonfire and roast venison until our bellies are swollen with food! Then, we will snort catnip—"

"No catnip," Stone interrupted.

"Aw, come on! It made you so mellow last time, you—"


"But you need to relax, or else—"


Aubree's laughter interrupted them and was the ticket Alistair had been fishing for. He grinned down at Aubree as the others all relaxed, the tension dissipating.

While last night's battle had been a victory for them and the werewolves, Carina wasn't found among the casualties and neither was Dan. Everyone in the room was exhausted but now they had their Luna and she was ready for it.

Pride and love surged through Stone as he watched Aubree interact with his pack—his family. The only beings in the world he trusted with his life. The only beings in the world who loved and accepted him for who he was—regardless of all the mistakes he had made. The only beings in the world to stand by him when he was cast out of Schwartzwald for murder.

Aubree would find out everything eventually. It was only a matter of time.

---- AUTHOR'S NOTE ----


There's an R-rated scene in "Heart of Stone: R-Rated Scenes" book for those interested. There is also a scene in the "Heart of Stone: Bonus Biscuits" book of bloopers, out-takes, and randomness of Stone buying condoms. Hilarious. Plus, Alistair and Gunner will be in it, so you know it's going to be good! XD

Still lots to come in Part III!

*Copyright Jo Lee Hunt (Joflower) 2016*

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