Chapter 1: Origins

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Disclaimer :
'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' and 'Heroes of Olympus' belong to Rick Riordan.
Inheritance Cycle belongs to Christopher Paolini.

Chapter 1: Origins

Gilderien or Gilderien the Wise, as his people called him was troubled. He had been the guardian of Ellesméra for centuries but he had not felt such winds of change since 'they' had left this world by sealing the gateway. He had already felt a change coming when he learnt of a new dragon rider. It was no coincidence that the new rider was named Eragon just like the original rider. Just like the original Eragon, this new rider's fate was to lead the people of Alagaesia to a new era but he was not so sure now.
He started recalling the elder days. He remembered the stories his mother told of the creation of elves. The elves were created in the image of sea spirits. They were brought to this world, which was like Ogygia but at a much larger scale. Contrary to the belief, the elves were the first race to inhabit this world and not the dwarves. In the beginning, they used to live under the sea in a city called Alalea. He remembered the wild creatures Nidhwal attacking them. They could not be reasoned with. The elves could have killed them but every sea creature was sacred to them. His people decided to go to the lands and explore them. A lot of them were curious about the land as they and their ancestors had lived only under the sea. They prayed to the creator for the ability to live on land but a prayer like that required sacrifice. The sacrifice was the ability to live under water in their natural states. So they left Alalea and came to Alagaesia by ships. From that day every elf had great fascination and yearning for the sea.
In Alagaesia they found a new race of people called dwarves. The dwarves were a tribute to the to two races dear to the creator of elves. Though the dwarves looked nothing like them, but they were master builders and blacksmiths. They were surprised to find another race, dragons. Sure they were much different than the ones that were on Earth, but to them they were nothing but wild animals. It was a big mistake. A mistake that would cause huge losses to both sides. A war was started on this belief, Du Fyrn Skulblaka they called it. Everyone knew the outcome of the war. Their bond with the dragons. The bond wasn't the only thing that made them change but also the various blessings their creator bestowed upon them. From their creator and some others they got partial immortality, cleverness and intelligence, better use and secrets of nature magic. The dwarves did not take part in the bond, however they were blessed to have long lives.
The Order of Riders was formed soon after their bonding with dragons. The riders policed the land and kept peace and justice in the lands. The rider found another race living in the most hidden regions of Spine, the Urgals. The Urgals were a violent race who valued strength and power above anything else. They were tall, bulky and had horns. Another race they made contact with was the werecats, who earlier had dealings only with the dragons. Inspite of this Alagaesia entered a period of unprecedented prosperity. But peace is a fragile thing. Soon the peace was shattered by the arrival of the race of men. They were led by their king, Palancar. Palancar and his people were peaceful at first. They settled in unoccupied easily defendable location in spine. The peaceful nature of the elves was mistaken for weakness by the humans. Especially because the place they had come from was all about conquest and power. The humans attacked the elves. After a bitter battle and huge losses on both sides, humans were defeated. Palancar was not the one to give up, he attacked again but the result was same. Not learning from his mistakes, the arrogant king attacked elves again but this time, the riders who were earlier neutral, joined the elves. Realising that victory would not be possible, the king's descendants who already did not want war, betrayed the king and got him captured. The only reason Palancar and his forces lasted that long was because they used untamed nature and elemental magic. They did not use the ancient language to harness magic like the people of Alagaesia did. Magic such as this had never been done in Alagaesia. Only the oldest of the elves had only heard about it and never seen it. They prayed to their creator for a peaceful solution. The men were forced back to their world. The memories of the alien magic removed from the minds of people of Alagaesia. Their creator and his family brought new humans into Alagaesia who were totally devoid of any kind of magic. The riders were told to induct these new humans into their order. The creator had decided to end every form of influence from him and his family from this world. He and his family used their power to manipulate the minds of people of Alagaesia, making them forget everything related to the creator. Also, they made the people of Alagaesia believe that the truth was what they believed now. But before they retreated, they let five creatures to be aware of the truth. It was done so that if the creator came back, Alagaesia would not be taken completely by surprise.
The five were given partial immortality. One was a dwarf, a dragon, a human and two elves. The dwarf Futhark died in a clan war. The dragon, Valdr was killed during the fall of riders. The human was still alive and had many titles, she of many names, the wanderer, the adventurer, the herbalist, the witch. He was one of the elves, Gilderien the Wise, Prince of House Miolandra, wielder of the White Flame of Vándil, and guardian of Ellesméra. The other elf was Rhunon, the greatest smith of this land.
Rhunon, the name brought him back to reality. He needed to talk to her urgently. He contacted her with his mind and asked her to meet him. She came as soon as she could, lines of worry clear on her face. "what do you think happened?", she asked him. Before he could reply she added, "it couldn't be that, can it?", she was trying to deny the truth.
Instead of answering the first question, Gilderien said, "not wanting to believe something has happened does not mean that it did not happen." Taking a deep breath he added, "just because an ostrich puts its head down on seeing a lion, doesn't mean that the lion can't see it", "the seal of the gateway has been broken but the biggest question is by whom and why?"
"You are right", Rhunon sighed. "This world is changing, soon it will change like never before and things will never be the same." Gilderien told his gut feeling to her. "I feel the same way", with weariness and added, "one way or another, this age is ending and a new age will be soon upon us".

Author Note:
(i) How was it? Please review.
(ii) I am asking again: Where should I begin the story for demigods: after the Titan War or after the Giant War?

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