Jeremiah walked into the room and I was more than certain that he could hear or conversation from outside.

           "Nathaniel sent me an email this afternoon. He wrote three simple words. It seemed impossible at first but when I spoke to him on the phone, the urgency in his voice told me otherwise."

             "What did the email say?" Joshua asked.

              "She is Alive." they both looked shocked.

                 "Is that even possible? Bella said it herself that she saw..."

                  "I know what Bella saw! That is why it is impossible for this to even be happening right now. But we will see."

              They shared a look but didn't say anything after that.

            "Is the car ready Jeremiah?" He nodded his head and cleared his throat.

           "Yes, its outside right now waiting for us."

            "Let's go."

We all walked out and headed towards the front of the pack house.

Most of the pack members moved out of our way. The anger radiating off of me was more than noticeable.

Jeremiah and I got into the car and I nodded at him.

"Drive." Jeremiah told the driver and we felt the car start moving,

We sat in silence as the drive over there was going to take awhile.

Neither of us spoke until Jeremiah decided to break the deafening silence.

"Do you think it's possible?"

I remained glancing out the window, leaving him without a response.

I didn't answer him not because I didn't want to but mainly because I had no answer to give.

Arabella was specific on many occasions when I asked her if she was sure that Evangeline was gone.

And every time she was sure.

I will always protect my sister till the day I die. But if she lied to me about Evangeline, she will pay with her life.

An involuntary growl escaped my lips but Jeremiah didn't care to acknowledge it.

Although I did see his eyes shift but his body remained the same.

An hour had passed and we saw their pack house come into view.

Before we reached the gate a few wolves jumped out and blocked our car.

Jeremiah jumped out of the car and growled a warning growl at them.

"Get me your Alpha." He narrowed his eyes at a wolf who shifted back and threw on some clothes.

"State your name and your business." He stood tall but didn't back down from Jeremiah.

"We were asked by Alpha Nathaniel to come. Now get the hell out of the way or blood will be spilt."

He growled but nodded his head at the others as they moved.

The others growled back but did as they were told.

He hopped back in the car shaking his head.

He didn't have to say anything because I was thinking the same thing.

His lack of communication with his pack was his weak point.

The Muted Luna (Sequel to TASW)Where stories live. Discover now