"Alicity Hooper and that's my twin brother Steven" Alicity replied.

"Sorry what's your name?" Nina asked at the unuasl name she heard.

"Ah-Liss-i-tay" She sounded it out, "It's not that hard, Everyone in Germany could pronouce it"

"Okay, i just never heard of it before" Nina smiled politely as possible, but she already hated the girl infront of her.

"Guys calm down" Trudy called above the noice, "For you all that don't know this is Alicity Hooper and Steven Hooper, they lived in Anubis house before they moved to Germany 4 years ago."

"What's all this racket about" Victor yelled walking down the stairs.

"Ali and Steven are back" Joy told Victor.

Victor looked down at them from the third step. The student he hated most stood infront of him, Alicity Hooper. She was a bitch to everyone. She threatened to get him kicked out but she left before she could.

Victor shot Alicity a death stare before returning to his office.

"So Ali were the German boys hot?" Amber hooked arms with her former best friend as she walked into the living room.

"Some were, and some weren't'' she laughed

"Come on guys sit down" She called them around her.

Ali sat in the middle and Patricia, Amber and Joy across from her as everyone crowed round her.

"Can i sit?" Nina asked referring to the only seat left next to Ali.

"That's my brother's seat" Ali snapped. The feeling of hate was mutual.

"Go tell me how good's your German" Mara laughed, Even Mara could get on with Ali, Nina wasn't getting it, why was she the only one who hated her.

"Prima" she smilled. "Und du?"

"nachs so gut" Mara replied and they laughed.

"i have no idea what you even said" Patricia laughed.

"See you haven't got any smarter, do sick puppies not have songs in German?" Alicity laughed.

"No" patricia put on a German accent.

They all laughed,

"So what's gossip, who's with who?"Steven laughed mocking something that his sister would say.

"Well" Amber started, "Mara and Fabian are all loved up"

her words broke Nina's heart. Amber knew how much Nina like him, she could of put it in a nicer way.

"Oh the two nerds" Alicity squealed.

"Joy and Jerome" Amber said without thinking.

Alicity's face turned a burning red colur as she stood up, "Joy, how dare you? you're going out with my ex, who broke my heart" She yelled.

"Ali, i kinda forgot about you. Plus i really like him" Joy admitted as Alicity yelled at her standing over her.

"Only my friends call me Ali, a person that forgets about me and falls for my ex is not my friend" Alicity screamed in her face.

"Ali, calm down" Steven said, "let joy be happy"

"Oh Steven, how can you say that! she's your ex" Ali yelled at him.

"Because Ali, i've date like 100 girls since her, and you've dated like 1000 boys since Jerome. Why you so mad? You've been here like 20 minutes and you've already cause enough drama"Steven yelled back. He was in the only one that got away with talking like that to her, he was her twin brother.

"I thought you'd be okay with us, but you are a bitch Ali, sorry ALICITY" Joy yelled as tears filled her eyes and she ran out the room. Jerome ran after her yelling her name.

"Was i too harsh?" Ali asked placing a hand on her heart.

No one answered her cause they didnt want to be next on her hit list.....


I wrote this chapter at the weekend and i've been talking to a lot of you about this story and i've been trying so hard not to slip up about what i'm doing here so its kinda a surprise.  This was also one of my favourite chapters to write!! don't know why it just was!!

So Alicity and Steven are back!! Well they've never actually been a characters but i kinda thought the idea was original because i haven't read a story that people that left before Nina started had ever came back. Because we don't know who was there before the show started!!!

Anyway tell me what you's think of Alicity and Steven! I wanna know how much of a bitch you think she is, because i think she's a total bitch!!

much love

Tasha xxx

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