Jason and I sprinted the rest of the way to the tents and to the area behind the large platform stage that was surrounded by the four tents.

   All seven-hundred or so of our members were here tonight, most mingling with the Beta and Alpha families.

   My father met us behind the stage. He was wearing a white dress shirt and black slacks like me. His long silvery-blonde hair was in a ponytail and his brown eyes were glowing with excitement.

   "I'm so proud of you son." He clapped my brother on the back with thick, muscular hands.

   "Thanks dad." He smiled.

    "You too Brayden, you've done well in school and I'm so proud you will be attending Harvard." He turned to me with a smile.

   That was something I appreciated about my father, he always made us feel that he was equally proud of both of us.

   "Thanks dad." I hugged him realizing that soon I would be far from home and my family.

    "Come on boys, your mother is up there waiting." My dad grinned.

We followed our father up on stage where my mother was standing in a light blue evening gown.

Our mother was unnaturally beautiful. She was a pure bred wolf like my father and came from a long line of royalty in the wolf community.

Her long brown hair fell to her waist and her striking blue eyes were outlined with perfect make up.

She didn't look a day over 25. My father didn't either, the only sign of aging were the few gray strands in his hair.

"My boys are so grown up!" She smiled sadly. I was a mama's boy for sure.

She reached forward and took us both in her arms. It must have been a comical sight, my 5'7 mom hugging two boys who were 6'4 and 6'6.

"I'm so proud of you both." She kissed both of our cheeks with a broad smile that reminded me of when Jason and I were little and she used to make us banana pancakes on our first days of school.

"We love you too mom." Jason kissed her cheek.

"C'mon boys, it's time." My father called.

Jason turned to me. "See ya at the reception." He squeezed my shoulder and went off to where Isabella was standing.

Izzy was wearing a short blue dress that fit her small frame perfectly. She was tall but it was still a sight to see my brother with her, she was 5'8 but next to him she looked 5'2.

Her blonde hair was in large ringlets and her gray-blue eyes sent me a smile. Izzy and I were close friends and had been since high school.

I waved and watched as he leaned down to kiss her and wrapped an arm around her waist.

    Next to them was Jackson and his family. He was mate less so far and a year older than Jason but the two were best friends.

   Jackson was wearing a tux like Jason's but the undershirt was a dark red.

   Jackson was unusual for a wolf. His mother was from a native pack in Alaska, the Denali pack, but a few years back that pack had been attacked and destroyed.

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