"Well I am going to get a drink then head home. See ya later Elena and thanks Matt, I really needed that." I smile before heading down towards the bar. The bartender sees me walking up so I sway my hips and smile flirtatiously at him. I want a drink so I need to convince him to give me one, women style.

"Hi there." I smirk, sitting down on the barstool.

"I'm guessing you want a drink?" he guesses, his eyes fluttering down to my chest. Eew.

"Yeah, I would like one so please, please give me one." I smile and he sighs pouring me vodka. I raise an eyebrow, "That's strong stuff to give to a 16 year old girl."

"But if people see it, they will think it's water." he shrugs and heads back into the kitchen. I drown the glass quickly and leave five dollars on the counter. I smile as I see Elena and Matt laughing and playing pool. I head out the door and start singing Demons by Imagine Dragons.

Apparently I am not paying attention because I run into someone or something and fall on my ass. I glare up at Stefan as he helps me up.

"You're late for Elena's date with you." I snap.

"I know, I had to take care of some things." he answers and starts to head towards the Grill.

"Stefan!" I yell out, casuing him to stop and turn around. "Where is Damon?" I ask. Ugh, why did I even ask? I am not supposed to care.

"He's gone and he's not coming back, Aria." Stefan whispers and heads into the Grill. I stare at the place he stood a moment ago, uh....cryptic much?

I sigh and continue to walk home, imaging Jensen Ackles so I will stop thinking about Damon Salvatore.


"We are not running a charity." Caroline clarfies, her eyes darting between Elena and I.

"No we are not." I laugh, amused by my best friend. When she shoots me a glare, I quickly stop, not wanting to piss her off.

"Hey." Stefan smiles, walking up to us. He is wearing a jacket and jeans, seriously? Caroline and I both stand up glaring at the couple.

"The event is called sexy studs you know?" I say narrowing my eyes at them. I am wearing just a lime green bikini and Caroline is wearing a pink one. Caroline gives them an annoyed glance before sighing. She loops her arm through mine and leads me away from the unfun couple.

"Ugh, people like them ruin the whole event." Caroline sighs. I laugh and look around at all the cars.

"Caroline the event is doing fine, calm down a little." I say, trying to reassure her.

She looks over at me, glaring. "Don't tell me to calm down, Aria. This has to be perfect."

I roll my eyes and continue following Caroline around to each friken car. "Care were supposed to be doing the pay booth thing." I remember, tapping her shoulder to get her attention.

"Oh yeah! Shit, come on." she grabs my hand and we jog to the booth were there is a line of like 10 people. "Hi, I'm so sorry you had to wait." she smiles and sits down ready to work. I laugh and hang out next to her just observing.

"Hey, we're out of towels and those shimmy things." Elena tells us, walking over.

"Aria will go get some, since she has done nothing." Caroline tells her and looks over at me. I groan and get up, stretching.

"Alright." I groan and head over to the school. I grumble and complain the whole time, why do I have to do work?

I shiver as I walk through the empty hallways, it's really creepy. I pick up my pace and head to the supply room. I try to open it but the door is locked. I kick the door and curse. I hear a noise behind me and spin around, a little nervous.

I look down the hallway but no one is there, okay...getting a little creepy now. I turn around to leave and suddenly Damon is in front of me. God, he looks terrible.

"Aria, help me...help me." he whispers his image disappearing. I'm going crazy, it's official. But... what if I'm not? Can't take a chance can we?

I turn and run down the hallway, I need to get to the Salvatore boarding house. I think Damon is actually in trouble, I don't know how I know, but I can, like, feel it. It's super weird.


I take a deep breath when I see the Salvatore boarding house. I shiver a little even though I put a jacket and shorts on. "Aria..help." his voice begs in my head. I start walking towards the front door, a little scared at what I may find.

"Help.." he whispers again in that broken voice. I speed up my pace a little and hope the front door is unlocked. I smile as it opens, heading inside. I feel like a force pulling me to the basement so as stupid as I am, I follow it.

"Aria..." he calls out in my head. I open the basement door and walk down those creepy steps.

"Damon?" I call out a little freaked out. I finally get to the bottom of the stairs and look around. I only see one corridor so I follow it down. "Damon?" I call out again. I only see one room so I'm guessing he is in there. I walk towards it and look in between the little bars on the door. I gasp when I see a very weak looking Damon.

"Oh my God, Damon! What happened? How did I know where to find you?" I question horrfied.

"Because I wanted you too." he states standing up on shaky legs. "Very, very badly." he says, pained. He stumbles over to the door and puts his hands around the bars.

"Let me out of here, please." he begs.

"You bit Caroline, who does that?" I ask, wanting some ansers.

"A vampire which is what I am and I am dying. Do you want me to die, Aria? If you don't, you need to let me out. I'm warning you, when I get out, I'll have to feed on you. I've been starved for days. It's killing me." he explains, sounding completely serious. A vampire? Drink my blood? Yeah, right. Vampies only exist in Twilight.

"You're lying." I reply, my voice coming out unsteady. I see his eyes turn blood red and veins appear underneath them, I also see fangs. I guess he is telling the truth...

"No I'm not. Please Aria, I will explain everything to you, just let me out. I need to get out." he pleads. I look at him for a moment, before unlocking the door. I hope this isn't a mistake...

"No!" someone yells and pushes me away from the door. I see him struggle to keep it closed but Damon forces it open and pushes the man inside. Damon growls and snaps his neck. I scream, completely horrified and try to run up the steps but Damon catches me.

"Aria, please clam down." he begs, but he sounds almost...bored.

I scream and continue to fight against him. "Aria, look at me!" he yells turning me around to face him. I look into those blue eyes and for some reason stop struggling. "That guy that I killed, he deserved to die. He locked me in their and practically tortured me." he states, coughing loudly after. He winces, his chest probably hurting.

"You need blood?" I whisper nervously and he nods in reply. I take a deep breath, holding out my wrist. "Promise you won't kill me?"

"I could never kill you." he whispers, before sinking his fangs into my wrist. It hurts but I bite my lip from crying out. What am I doing? I am letting a friken vampire feed off me. One that just killed someone. I start to feel a little dizzy and I know Damon is taking a lot. What was I thinking letting him feed off me, he probably hasn't fed in like three days.

"Damon, stop. I don't feel very well." I command, trying to pull my wrist away. Damon growls and grabs my arm so I can't move. "Damon!" I yell but he doesn't listen to me. This is it, I am going to die. And Damon Salvatore would be my murderer.

I try to fight him but it's useless and I eventually pass out.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now