Fixing his best mate a quick glass of cold water, the feathery haired brunette stood by the counter, hands crossed over his chest as he eyed Harry up and down. His best friend was dressed in a rather unique shirt and in his skinny jeans. He wanted to roll his eyes at Harry's attire. It wasn't that he found anything wrong with it, it was just not something you would see people wearing frequently. Louis was glad that Harry was so different, he might be a bit of a fuckboy but he was still a good person.

"What happened?" The older man asked after waiting for Harry to wipe his face off the tears.

"He thinks I'm playing with him. We k-kissed and it was so damn good Louis. I felt like he would notice my feelings but he thinks I'm playing with him. Years, I spent fucking years just chasing after him, admiring him from afar and now he tells me that I'm playing with him and just stringing him along. He thinks he's just a pawn in some game I have made." Harry hissed out, clenching his fists by his side as he relieved the entire scene. The sheer amount of confusion he felt and the coldness of Niall's eye blues. They had been caring and gentle once, when they were best mates, when Harry could just grab Niall's hand on stage and kiss him on the cheek without the blonde flinching or sassing him later for it. He would do anything to have those moments back.

"Did he kiss you back?" The strange question caught Harry's interest, making him frown his eyebrows in confusion at the question.

"Out of all the shit I just told you, that kiss is all you could focus on? He fucking hates me Louis and I am done with this shit. I want to give him up since it's so obvious he won't ever be mine." Harry watched Louis wave a hand in dismissal, as if his temper and fright meant nothing to the shorter lad. The feeling made him feel a bit angry but then again, he can't expect Louis to have an answer to all his problems. He was dumping too much onto the older man.

"Answer my question Harold." Louis asked in all seriousness, watching Harry shake his head before opening his mouth to reply. He looked like a confused frog, the thought made Louis chuckle.

"I-I think he did. We were kissing for a few good minutes. I'm sure I would have noticed if he wasn't responding back." He walked towards the refrigerator, taking out a can of beer and popping it open. Louis's question seemed utterly pointless to him and all he wanted to do was go to sleep already, forget about everything because nothing made sense anymore.

"You know what I think?" Harry shrugged his shoulders casually at Louis's statement, not getting what the entire point was. Thinking about it right now, all of Louis's plans were dumb anyways. The older brunette rolled his eyes at his best friend's antics. "I think that he's confused and that he actually does like you."

Harry scoffed, shaking his head, turning around to leave the kitchen. He wasn't going to sit here and let Louis feed him all sorts of unbelievable crap.

"Listen to me alright? He has never experienced anything romantic with any person. Every other guy or girl he met was just 'beautiful' and 'a friend'. He never got into a relationship. Niall doesn't know a single thing about love or even, lust. And then you come along, fake dating him because of the orders by the management and you become his first kiss, his first date and his first experience at everything. Clearly he would feel a bit overwhelmed by the emotions and blamed everything on you." Louis took a deep breath after his mini rant, hoping and praying that Harry would just stop and listen. And for fuck's sake, not give up on everything so goddamn easily.

"You're feeding me all this bullshit and I really don't want to hope for anything right now. You didn't see the look in his eyes Louis." Harry whimpered pathetically, clutching onto the can of beer and ignoring the slight crunch noise under his fingers.

"I think you're ignoring the fact that he kissed you back. For a good few minutes, in your own words and no body kisses back the people they hate." Louis smirk victoriously. He was sure that his words were going to have an impact. He had, after all, spoken them with purpose and determination.

"You do though. You kissed him back despite hating him. Why can't Niall do the same?" Harry challenged, watching all colors drain from his best mate's face, his arms falling down by his side as those blue eyes stared at him in pain. He cursed at himself for even opening his mouth. All Louis had been doing was trying to help him but here we was, fucking with Louis's feelings by bringing up the past. It had been two years for crying out loud.

"This is not me and Zayn. You and Niall are not me and Zayn. Don't ever dare bring us up, especially not like this, especially not when you know fully well about the situation. Especially not after two years." The feathery brunette whimpered, cowering behind the counters and that just made Harry feel guiltier about everything. He was definitely breaking lots of hearts with his careless behavior.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean too." He bit his lips watching Louis blink back at his tears as he stared at the floor. When Zayn had left, the biggest impact was left on Louis. Sure, Niall was best friends with the lad but he still had that friendship and so did Liam. It was only Harry and Louis that kept away from Zayn. Louis did so because of his feelings and the guilt and Harry did it because of jealously and anger. It had been two years but Harry couldn't get that day out of his head. He probably never would be able to. "I think you're right." Harry blurted out all of a sudden, trying to get his band mate to cheer up, even if that meant faking hope. "I'm not 100% sure but a part of me thinks that you're right." He took a deep breath, watching Louis's eyes staring at him in surprise and a hint of suspicion.

"What's your plan then? For Operation Blue Eyed Idiot." The brunette rolled his eyes at the uncreative name.

"If you're doing this just to make up to me then please don't. I don't need your pity," Louis defiantly crossed his arms at his chest, pouting a little at Harry even though his mind was already working towards a new plan.

"I swear I'm not doing it to make you feel better but I'm doing it for myself. But if this doesn't work, if Ii don't see any progress, I won't try once again and you won't force me to, with your stupid theories and whatnot." His lips curved into a small smile, eyes watching fondly as Louis bounced on his feet before clapping his hands together like an excited child.

"I think that this plan is going to work like a charm. Did he say something along the lines of staying away or some shit like that?" A nod of Harry's mop of curls was enough to have Louis continuing. "So that's exactly what we're going to do!" The older man smirked, his thin lips titling upwards as he thought evilly of his plan working out. He could picture it all so clearly.

"What does that even mean?" Louis scoffed at Harry's question, walking over to place a gentle hand on the taller man's shoulder.

"It means that you're going to ignore Niall Horan just the way he asked you to." Harry raised his eyebrows, mentally face palming himself.

"It won't do anything. He'll be happy to be ignored by me." The curly brunette scoffed, putting the crashed can in the trash bin.

"Don't underestimate the power of Love Guru Tomlinson." He rubbed his hands together, grinning at Harry. "Plan 002 of Operation Blue Eyed Idiot - ignore the oblivious blonde."

AN/ Thank you for waiting for me to update. Like I said, I was out vacationing (I still am) and I was completely out of any ideas SO this is 2k words long so yay!

Thoughts on the chapter?

Thoughts on Zouis?

Thoughts on Louis's plan?

Thoughts on Harry giving up?

Thoughts on Niall?

Any idea about what happened between Zouis?

Will Louis's plan even work?


Random Questions: What's your all time favorite movie?

Mine is Just Go With it and The Ugly Truth. :D

Btw how many of you guys know my name?

It's Nikita btw. In case anyone was curious. If you weren't then :( :( Nikita sad :( :(

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