Chapter 1

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"Ali We're leaving!" My mom yells from the front door. "Okay bye  mom!!" i yell too her as flip threw the channels on the tv. I hear the door open and shut then the car drive off. Finnally alone. My mom makes me be the "perfect" daughter. but these next few weeks im going to be me. I run up stairs and get into this I walked out of my room and started to walk down stairs when i herd glass brake. Fuck. I quickly tip toe into my room and shut and lock the door. I tryiend to run away from home once so my dad put bars on my windows. So no geting out. I grabed a bat that i had in my room. dont ask me why because i dont know. I quicklyy id in my closet. and thats when i herd my door get kicked in. "Ryan, I thought you said there wasnt any one here." One guy sid to another guy. "I herd there wasnt going to be anyone here... but there might be justin.." The other guy side to another. The door closet door opent and thats whe i swung. I hit him a couple of good times then i ran.i started sprinting for the dor when a guy grabbed my arm. i turned around and punched him in the nose the the other hand that was free and he let go. but i endid up running stright into another guy. He got me to the ground and then stuck me with a needle. Fuck. I ended up waking up in the seat of a truck. I sat up and stared to try and open the door but then i felt something hard and cooled. I turned around and seen a gun. Holly shit im soo dead. 

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