Ocean Tears

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Everyone turned to Batman after Robin left with wally and heard the announced departure

"What was that about?" Superman asked obviously concerned but more curious

"Nothing" Batman returned bluntly

"Well that was obviously not nothing, you two 'talked'. What was it about" Wonder Woman asked

"None of your business, now lets just carry on with the meeting" He said in more of a cut throat tone which made anyone scared to protest other wise

About an hour back into the meeting a lot of the leaguers were "loudly" arguing with each other until superman suddenly stopped when he heard a muffled sniffle

"Is someone crying? Really were all adults here and we shouldn't be crying over an argument" Superman looked around as he spoke, finding no one crying, confused. He walked towards the door opening them and looking down at a little bird with his hand out that was about to open the door

"Hey clark" Robins voice was soft when he spoke, he was still in the long sleeved sweatshirt, but one of the sleeves was clearly ripped. Even though he was trying to hide it in the pocket of the shirt. Also his skinny jeans but had his robin mask on instead of his glasses

"Clark?" Flash asked wondering why he was standing at the door and slowly everyone stopped arguing to look over at the door

Superman walked back into the room with the little bird following behind. Robin stopped only a few steps actually into the large room, but enough for everyone to clearly see him, and Superman sat back down.

Robin looking around seeing half angry faces from the argument before immediately thought they were mad at him and he started to panic, more on the inside that outside with Batman giving a concerned look and him and everyone else waited for him to say something

"U-umm, I'm sorry I interrupted the meeting" Robin trailed his hand that wasn't in his pocket up to his neck and rubbed his nape and tilted his head to the side looking back down at the ground

"We can talk about this later Batman" He said and started to walk out of the room but stopped when he heard batmans caring voice

"Robin, take off your mask" He asked kindly, surprising some of the team

"What, but no, my ID" he quickly responded finding an excuse to keep it on, he knew the whole league knew there identities but his mask was covering the tears that were in his eyes

"They all know our identities, take off the mask" Batman asked again with the same kind tone as before

Robin slowly trailed the hand that was on his neck up to his mask and took it off, but he was looking down so no one could see him crying

"Son, look at me" Batman softened his tone even more and kept getting surprised looks from the members who have never seen him like this

Robin slowly looked up and all of the expression of the Leaugers softened as they saw tears falling from the young boys crystal blue eyes. Batman immediately got up and walking over to his partner

"We can talk about this now"

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