Hot Day

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For Reference
Dick is Robin
Bruce is Batman
and Alfred is Alfred

"Oh my god is so hot!" Wally complained and the rest of the team excluding Robin groaned

"Rob dude how are you not dying" the team turned to the fully clothed boy sitting on a stool in the kitchen fiddling with his laptop

He just shrugged "Its hotter in the batcave" he softly said, all the team could see him sweating but Robin himself seemed unaffected

Most of the team had some form of clothing off weather it be socks, shirt, pants. But no, Robin was sitting on the stool with his head down on one of his arms with the other doing something on his laptop. He was wearing one of batmans sweatshirts, it was green and about 10 times to big for him, when he moves his hands on different keys the baggy sleeves swing back and forth with his hand movements. He was also wearing black skinny jeans and his regular black sneakers with the white stripe. And of course his shades to cover his eyes

"Your clothes look like something for winter, you should go change" Conner stated bluntly

Robin looked away from his laptop to look at Superboy, just to shake his head no and return to his laptop

Wally sped over and tried to snoop on his best friend but Robin quickly slammed his laptop shut, softly groaned and put his head on the cold surface of it

"That feels nice" he whispered to himself, or so he thought

"I heard that, stop saying your not hot in the clothes you clearly are" Superboy snapped cause Robin to put the small part of his hand showing into the over sized sweatshirt

Robin softly took a deep breath and let it out "I-"

Recognised Batman 02

"I need to talk to Batman" He quickly spoke before sprinting over to his Mentor

"Is that my sweatshirt"

"Yes" Batman and Robin looked at each other, spoke to each other in bat code

They want to know why I'm wearing these clothes

Why are you

The team watched as they silently conversed and noticed when Robin put his covered hand up to his mouth looking slightly, embarrassed

I don't want them to see the..battle scars. I don't want to see the battle scars

He lied, partially, it wasn't just battle scars he didn't want to see. It was the fresh and old self inflicted scars he didn't want to see

Is this why you have my clearly oversized sweatshirt on

Yea, and its comfy

The team still watched until Batman broke the silent conservation by putting his hand up and softly ruffling his partners hair then walking past the team going into another room

"What was that" Artemis asked, Robin was about to speak up but Wally answered for him

"Its Bat talk" Wally said smirking looking at Robin huff and turn his head

"Its not called 'Bat talk' its called communicating" Robin said back flicking Wally

"No its different because you guys speak without words, you two just look at each other's..covered eyes and talk" Wally said huffing "I wish i could do that"

Robin slightly giggled seeing Wally pout over such a stupid thing, like usual.

"What did you two talk about anyway?" Miss Martian asked

"..dinner" Robin said hesitantly hoping the team would by it by it

"Oh okay!" Miss M said happily because she loved to cook

"Well i should probably go get dinner started so see you guys at the beach tomorrow" Robin said waving his hand trying to get out of there as quickly as possible, a few confused sounding byes and he was out of the zeta beams and back home being greeted by Alfred

"Hello Master Dick" He said as calm as usual

"Hi alfred, want me to help with dinner" He asked sitting down at the table in the kitchen as Alfred went back to cooking

"No thanks, but may i ask why you are wearing Master Bruce's sweatshirt on a hot day like this" Alfred asked with a hint of confusion in his voice

"Reasons" Dick simply responded with a more of a simpler tone

" gonna get changed out of my outfit so see you when its dinner" he said and quickly ran to his room

Bruce was standing by the doorway and heard the whole conversation. It was just battle scars he didn't want to show, he could have told Alfred that. Unless he's hiding some other scars. Bruce thought to himself and slowly made his way up to Dick room

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