he's irreplaceable(Jonas and Bieber love story) The wedding day. chapt 20.

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chapter 20: Justin  and  Latonya's wedding  day.

The  week end  went by   fast  i had my hen night Sunday  night  and  Justin had his stag do  Sunday night  also   now today was Monday our big day   it   is  1:21 now and me and  the girls were getting dress Auntie Jane and Tashana was already  dressed  and Kris was too   soon all three of us was finished  getting dress  "sit down Latonya lets apply your make up  cause  we  have'nt got time to lose" said Sharon so i  sat down and she did my make up   she blow dried my hair and straightened the back and curl the front 

so the veil would look great on my head  now i was all ready  and the girls were too so i just slip on my heels that i bought at the bridal shop   Auntie Jane is my maid of honour  Tashana is the mini bride  Jazzy is flowers girl Ryan is the best man  Chaz and Christian is page boys  and Tara and Sharon bridesmaid "now that we are ready  and  waiting lets go downstairs in the living room cause it  will soon be here" i said  "OK lets go then " said Tara  so all of us went down in the living room sat on the couch waiting  but Auntie Jane and Tasha was already at the church and Kris too

but  in five minutes time we hear  a horn" honking  outside  and it was a black limo came for all of us  so we walk to the limo but while i was walking Tara held the train of my dress for me then finally we all got into the limo and  it  sped off" to  the church soon  the  limo arrived at the church  i came out first then Sharon and Tara came out after  but this time Sharon  held my dress train   but  when i came to the church door to enter  i got the biggest surprise! someone link arms with me and  guess  who it was?! it was Nick  Jonas  dad Paul i was shock! " Mr Jonas what are you doing here i thought  the Jonas family was supposed to be on tour?! i ask  still shock "yes we should be but  we wanted to come to our  friend's wedding too and tours can rescheduled but this wedding would'nt ok

And i have offered to walk you down the isle today so shall we? he ask  "yes we shall"i said  so i took a deep breath and  step off   then here come's the bride started playing then everyone stood and  i just kept smiling  but at the same time the water works made its way pass my cheeks it was a good thing i  am  wearing water proof mascara  i was handed over to  Justin now  we were standing at the altar facing each other  "you can be seated " said  the vicar  "dearly beloved  we are gathered here today  in holy matrimony(Sp) in the sight of god  for this young woman and this young man  to be wed so if anyone who think this young woman and man shall not be wed let  them now speak or  forever hold your peace"? He  asks but  no one said anything then he carry on  so do you  Latonya   Vanessa Walker  take  Justin  Drew Bieber to be your lawful wedded husband to have and to hold to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health for richer or for poorer till death do you part? "i do i responded "and do you Justin Drew Bieber  take Latonya  Vanessa  Walker  to be your lawful wedded wife? He asks  Justin the same questions "i do he replied  "now repeat after me Latonya "? The vicar asks   but before could i have the rings please?" he asks again  so  Ryan took out the rings and handed him the box.

He gave me Justin's  ring then i repeated after  the vicar "with this ring i Latonya Vanessa Walker  wed thee Justin Drew Bieber  and Justin repeated after him also  and put on my ring  then then  the power invested in me i now pronounce you husband and wife  you may kiss the bride " said the vicar  Justin gave me the most passionate kiss i have ever have i kissed him back  our kiss was full of passion and love i loved it  it lasted  about 2-3 minutes very romantic moment of my life  then we slowly pull away  and i saw a lot of water works like Auntie Jane was crying and Justin mom Patti,Nick  Jonas and Denise too as in Denise Jonas and we run out of the church while everyone  was throwing confetti over  us we took photos of all of and just me and Justin  and me alone with the biggest smile and then Justin and his family and friends me and my family and friends including the Jonas family then me and husband kissing then both of us and Tashana  we were so happy  we got  in the limo together  and very soon  we were at the reception hall inside was so beautiful everyone was dancing  including Auntie Jane  then  we went on the dance floor and  dance   soon  we were finish dancing so we went back to our table   "i  would  like  to make  a  toast  to the bride and groom

"Justin have been my best friend  from we were young boys  but he's more like a brother to me than a friend  he's kind,a good listener,super cool  and he's always there for me he's also caring and loving   and  Latonya  even  though i don't know you that good  when  my friend here talk about you who is now your husband he always speak good of you  and you sounded like a good,kind,generous and caring girl  so "oh and one more thing too Latonya  Happy birthday to you and may you live to see many more and to the bride and groom congratulations i hope you both have a happy marriage and may it be prosperous and long life till death  after Ryan did his speech "thank you Ryan that was a great speech " Justin said thanking him.

But there and then i was feeling  like  i was going to puke so before that happen "hey  Sharon  could you   come to the ladies room  with me please or both of you could come"? i ask  so Sharon got up from around the table  and came with me but on our way there i was going to puke  up  on the floor but i held my mouth and i ran to the toilet  and puke several times  now i was sure that Sharon knew what was going on  cause when i came out of the cubicle she ask  "do you need  a test?  "No i don't  i reply"

now we are back at the table  " ladies and gentlemen   me and my husband  Justin would like to make a  toast  on  our next  child  in the making  i'm expecting  but  i don't know how many weeks but i'm definitely pregnant   to our next  child" i said everyone raise their glasses  soon it was time for the cake to be cut  the chef brought it out inside the hall where we were he  put it on  the table and me and Justin both cut it and feed each other  then  after everyone else got their slice of cake  then me and Justin left we got in the limo it drove me back to  Auntie Jane i pack my suitcase and left on Justin's private Jet.   

To  Paris   where  we spend our  honeymoon  it was so romantic  we enjoy  every  minute we spend together in the three weeks  of our honeymoon  but soon we were back  in Los Angel es   Justin  bought a gigantic mansion  in California,Corona  for us to live so i thank Auntie Jane for everything and move  into our new house. 

He's Irreplaceable (A Nick Jonas story )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora