Title: He's Irreplaceable Chapter 2

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I open  the  front  door  and went inside while  Justin was coming with  Tashana   then soon  they too had come in  "Justin  would you like a drink?" i ask "yes  i would like  a redbull or coke  he reply" so i went to the kitchen and took out two cans of coke out of the refridgerator and went back to the living room  i saw Tasha  sleeping in  Justin arms  so i went over the couch "here you go Justin and handed him  his can of coke then i took Tashana out of his arms carefully  not to wake her though "ill be back in a minute ok i said to Justin "ok he reply "

i brought Tasha to bed  put on her pjs carefully on her  i tucked her in bed and kiss her on the cheek " i love you" i said  then switch off her light and back to the living room "i'm back now JB I said" i sat beside him on the couch "Latonya i know that we are not together anymore i will be leaving about 6:00 in the morning  so can i have a goodbye kiss from you and and maybe this could even be the last time we kiss too" he said holding both my hands  my reply was going to be no but i guess i just got lost in those beautiful hazel eyes of his i just could'nt help it so it was the opposite of no

"yes of course so i gave him  a kiss  that was full of  passion and love  our kiss lasted  slightly longer than just a goodbye kiss then we slowly pull away  then we hug eachother " well Latonya  it was nice seeing you again but better still kissing you again thanks he said" "well take care JB and  don't  worry about Tasha too much ok  ill take good care of her ok love you bye and safe journey  back 

enjoy yourself on tour  i said " yeh i will  oh and here is my new # ********** so contact me if you need to ok bye now  he said  then  he droveout of the driveway  and left   so i close the door and went  i took a shower about 15 minutes i came out of the shower  put on my pjs blowdried my hair and put it in  a messy bun and went to bed  but  that night i could'nt  sleep and the time was  already 2:46 in the morning  and i know  that Sharon or Tara  could'nt possible come out of their houses now   but maybe Nick  could so i took up my phone off the nightstand   and  call his number  his phone rang" but was answered on the second ring"

Nick and Latonya's phone convo

Nick: "hello Tonya  why are you up at this time?

Tonya: hi i'm sorry to wake  you this time but i cant sleep i know this might sound a little crazy

but could you come to mine please?

Nick: yes i'll be there in a minute ok"

Tonya: thanks so much Nick" bye cya soon"

Nick: no problem you're my  friend what are friends for?" bye cya

then we hang up 

then soon i heard the doorbell rang so i got out of bed  and got it

i  open  the door for him he came in but i did'nt wanna stay in the living room so we went into my  bedroom both of us sat on my bed "so what's wrong why can't you sleep Tonya"? "well maybe cause i'm thinking  of  Justin cause he 's gone on tour now  for a year his world tour  and he did say that maybe this would be the last time we'll see him" i said "oh Tonya please don't worry too much ok "Nick said  "i'm not worrying about him its my daughter Tashana "suppose she does'nt see him like more than a year or even longer  thats the thing " but i'll be here for both of   you  then soon after our little chat  i must of fell asleep but when i woke up  Nick was still here he was right beside me in the bed 

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