Title: He's Irreplaceable Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: seeing auntie Jane  again.

ten minutes later auntie Jane was at the airport   she came out of her  car it was  a chrysler  silver and black she was so happy to see me again i was really happy to see her again too  "hi Latonya  i can't believe its  little Latonya has grown into a big young lady now""auntie Jane said  happily  and i  missed you auntie Jane" i said excited" 

we gave each other huge hugs  then "oh and  who  is this beautiful little girl " auntie Jane ask  "i'm Tashana "  Tashana answered  you are very pretty  too auntie Jane" Tasha complimented her   oh thanks dear' auntie Jane replied  while me and auntie  Jane  was putting our  suitcases in the car boot after we finish we got in the car  then she drove off  Tasha was  already in the back seat buckle up and i was sitting in the passenger seat   then about 15 minutes  she drove up into the drive way of  a massive mansion i was shock! to see the massive mansion she lived in but happy  at the same time she park the car into a garage with a remote control door so any way i got out and went to Tashana's door and  unbuckle her and got her out 

now all 3 of us was out me  and auntie Jane took out our suitcases out of the car boot  "Kris!!" auntie Jane shouted" "yes i'm coming"the voice of a guy reply  i was fixing Tasha's hair cause it was a mess "Latonya this is my son Kris auntie Jane said introducing her son to me "hey Kris i'm Latonya as you already know your mom took good care of me she finish raise me when i lost my parents  i was only 3 years old but she still took me and raise as her own child until i was 14  and this is  my  3 year old daughter Tashana"please to meet you Tashana both Kris and auntie Jane said  "please to meet you too Kris Tashana replied"  Kris took in our suitcases inside then me,auntie Jane and Tashana  follow  "you look knocker-ed Latonya" auntie Jane said "that's because i am  i reply OK then

lets show you yours and  Tashana's bedroom OK  we walked up a spiral staircase  and down a long hallway  the third door on the left-side is yours and Tasha's bedroom OK " auntie Jane said  "OK  i reply then finally we   reach my bedroom  the room was large with a big four poster bed which was king size  and a big screen television on the wall   and a balcony with table and chairs and there was a full body mirror inside the bedroom and a shower too  "Tashana wanna go take your shower now? i ask "yes mommy " she reply so i took her and gave her a shower i wash her hair as well  

after i got her out  i put on her PJ's and blow dried her hair   i put her hair in a high ponytail  and tuck her into bed   then  in a couple minutes she was fast asleep so i went and took my shower   15 minutes later i was out i open my suitcase took out my red silk nightie put it on and put on the matching nightgown over it  then i blow dried my tall blonde hair  and put it in a messy bun   then i  tiptoe out of the room  and close the door carefully not to wake up Missy (aka)Tashana i  went downstairs in the living room where auntie Jane was waiting for me to tell   her   the story of how  Tasha came into the world" without she knowing.

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