Chapter 28 - Down With The Bloody Blond King

Start from the beginning

Erza looked back at the opposite end of the empty space. She sighed, no one would attack now. She turned to Natsu and dug in her pocket. She pulled out a deck of cards. "Do you want to play a game?" She asked. Natsu thought for a moment and nodded. The two sat cross legged in the dirt and played multiple rounds of go-fish.

• • •

"What do you mean, "leave her here"? You know how long we've been searching for her?"

"Two, three weeks maybe. Either way less than a month."

"Oh shut up, no one needs your smart ass mouth." Two soldiers had found their way into Lucy's apartment. One had found her unconscious and sprawled across the floor with a peaceful expression written on her face. The other was more interested in her record collection and assorted teas.

The two were very different from one another. One was a young man, just turned seventeen. He was more interested in promotions than anything else, wanting to be on of the best soldiers of Fiore. The other was quite older, almost at a retiring age. He cared more about his wife and living a happy life with her.

"I'm sorry, but, The Beatles are much more interesting."

"Lazy old man," the younger one muttered. He wrapped one of the princess's arms around his neck and lifted her up. His arms were under her legs and back. "Lester, we need to get a move on."

"Hang on," Lester said as the sound of tin being filled with water was heard.

"Please tell me you're not brewing tea!"

"Just give me five minutes."

"We don't have five fuckin' minutes!" Lester groaned and mumble something about the impatient youth of today's society. He helped his partner out of the building and into the streets.

"It's a shame about that Fairy Tail guild, isn't it?" Lester asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"The mages, their off to prison."


"Do you know anything about what's been going on these past few years?" Lester asked as he picked up his pace. He pulled a flask out of his coat pocket and gulped the liquor down. "Warms yeh right up!" He said, quickly feeling the affects of the liquid.

"Stupid old man." Daniel muttered, "This girl isn't very light, you know!" He picked up his pace and followed the older man.

• • •

"Did you hear that?" Natsu asked, holding a stack of cards. Erza peered up at him and listened for any noises. She shook her head when her ears wouldn't pick up anything.

"No," Erza returned her attention to the pesky Jack in her handful of cards. Natsu starred out into the open field and his eyes picked up on a figure. The person was somewhat tall and heavy set. He had a cloak tied around his neck and a bottle of liquor in his hand. He was mumbling gibberish.

"Look, over there!" Natsu pointed out in the direction of the man. Erza rose to her knees and turned around. She noticed the man and recognized him immediately.

"Isn't that the king?" She asked. Natsu squinted.

"Yea, I think it is." The two watched the king walk across the field alone. Well, he was alone for a moment. Soon, a hooded figure approached the king. He held a gun at his back. Erza rose to her feet.

"You're highness! Run!" She shouted. The king turned towards her direction. The last words he heard were spoken in a deep, loud voice.

Down With The Bloody Blond King!

King Jude Heartfilia was killed by a bullet to the heart.

• • •

Author's Note;

Happy 15th Birthday to myself!

I decided to post this chapter today because I honestly have no idea when I'll be able to update again. I have a language emersion camp for two weeks and a family reunion not long after. I don't have much free time until August.

All this may delay the end of The Demon and The Princess and the start of The Dragneel Affair. But I'd like to finish this story before November, 2016. The latest being early December, 2016 (the one year anniversary of this story).

Excuses, excuses. Shame on me. Tisk tisk.

Please vote and comment, it really encourages me when writing the chapters!

~ Lucy (lucythegirl)

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