The one where THINGS HAPPEN

Start from the beginning

"I am?"

"Yes! You have to! Please."

"I'll think about it." Lexa said begrudgingly.

* * * *

Lexa ended up going to the party. As she pulled into the driveway of Murphy's mansion, she couldn't help but feel like she made a mistake.

"Come on, Lexa. Loosen up." Raven nudged her with her elbow before winking and turning to go to the kitchen. Octavia followed her to grab drinks for them. When Lexa refused to give up her coat, Clarke pouted. So Lexa stood, stiff and uncomfortable in the middle of the crowded living room. Clarke could make Lexa do almost anything, but the brunette drew the line at the short cocktail dress her friends suggested she wear. They came to agreement on Lexa's outfit eventually- tight, leather pants that clung to Lexa's legs like second skin, a dark off-the-shoulder crop top that showed off toned, tight abs and Lexa's staple leather jacket. Octavia was having the time of her life doing everyone's make up, so Lexa let her, which is why Lexa stood looking like a goddess at the party. She looked dark and dangerous, like a brooding, edgy panther on the prowl. Lexa didn't notice the way people were staring at her, but Clarke did. And she didn't like it one bit. When Lexa bent over to help some kid who had spilled his chips all over the floor, Clarke growled at the guys who gawked at Lexa's ass. When some sketchy dude offered Lexa a drink, Clarke told him off and gave Lexa her own drink. But when Clarke came back from the bathroom to find Allison Fields grinding on Lexa, Clarke had had enough. Clarke Griffin gave a predatory growl and Octavia almost spilled her drink on Lincoln, the boy she was talking to. Raven's brows rose as Clarke knocked back one of her many drinks of the night before stalking across the dance floor, weaving through the crowd of gyrating, sweaty bodies to reach Allison and Lexa. Allison's back was pressed up against Lexa's chest and her arms reached around to tangle in Lexa's braids. The blonde's lips were moving, and Lexa smirked at whatever Allison said to her. Their hips swayed to the beat of the music and when Lexa placed her hands on Allison's waist, Clarke snapped.

"No." The word came out of Clarke's mouth on instinct. Allison and Lexa broke apart suddenly, and Allison looked at Clarke, her brown eyes narrowed in irritation. Lexa had an expression of surprise on her beautiful face.

"What?" Allison asked, annoyance leaking into her voice as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"I said, no." Clarke took one step closer to the other blonde girl.

"Clarke?" Lexa turned, eyes moving from Allison to Clarke and back again.

"What do you want from her, Allison?" Clarke almost growled and she wondered what had come over her.

"Clarke, come on." Lexa tried to reason with her friend, because she knew that Clarke had had a couple drinks.

"No! I'm done standing here doing nothing, watching as you and Allison are basically having sex out here!" Lexa's eyes widened and she let out a noise of shock and surprise. Allison let out a bark of laughter and she shook her head at Clarke.

"You are unbelievable, Griffin." Allison's voice was sharp and judgmental, and Lexa was almost torn between defending her best friend, or letting her get what she asked for.

"Allison, come on just let it go." Lexa put her hand on Allison's arm to steer her away from Clarke, but the blue-eyed girl wasn't going to let her go that easily.

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