Alec let himself be dragged to the dancefloor by the arm. He couldn't escape. Not this time. There were too many people around him and the grip Magnus had on his arm was like a vice grip. Even if he could get away, he wouldn't know where to go. He was so used to following Jace around that he felt lost without his little brother by his side.

Magnus raised his arms up and moved to the beat of the bass. He didn't have a care in the world right now. He was on the dancefloor with the hottest detective in the world who's also probably the biggest party pooper in the world. But at least he was hot. It's not like you could lose Alec in a crowd. Or not notice him. It was impossible not to notice Alec. Tall, raven black hair, hazel eyes that turned golden whenever the strobe lights flashed a bright color. He was shockingly beautiful in more ways than one.

Alec, on the other hand, stood as stiff as a board as the crowd around him danced. He didn't like it when someone brushed up against him or someone nudged him from behind and he stumbled forward. It was too much for him; too loud for him. He longed to be back home curled up in his bed with a book. Or visiting his parents. That was his typical Friday night. Not this......not this club scene.

Something clicked all of a sudden. It was like a rubber band had snapped and everything suddenly made sense. The music. The flow of the crowd. Magnus. Yes, Magnus made sense. The con man looked like he was having the time of his life under the strobe lights, bobbing his head and bouncing his body to the bass. It looked so natural to him.

Magnus reopened his eyes to see Alec staring at him, hazel eyes burning with desire. He knew this look. He'd seen it a million times before but this time it felt special somehow. Different. He wanted to dance with Alec; not to try and steal his wallet, but genuinely dance with him for fun.

He slowly edged forward towards Alec. Not once did his gaze waver away from the hazel stare that continued to watch his every move as the beat grew heavier. He felt adventurous, so he took a hand and slipped it under Alec's shirt onto his uninjured hip. Alec twitched in surprise but never made a move to get Magnus' hand off his skin. So far so good.

"Just follow my lead," Magnus said in Alec's ear, just loud enough to be heard. Alec nodded. Magnus could see that the other man was scared but of what, he had no idea. He continued to dance anyway and prayed that Alec would lose himself in the music.

By some miracle or another, Alec finally gave in. It was a good song, all things considered. He completely forgot about his wound. The music was incredible. It made him feel alive. The bass reverberated in his ribs and in his back and chest. He never listened to wild music like this; his mother would never approve. He grew up on classical music. Opera. Music you'd never think a six year old would have playing in his bedroom. His six year old self would be mortified of the way his present self was acting.

Sweat was now pouring from the both of them. Much to Magnus' delight, Alec's shirt was sticking to him (if only it was a white shirt) and his black hair was clinging to his forehead. He had half a mind to push it off of Alec's forehead. As if he read his mind, Alec reached up and with a large (but beautiful) hand, pushed his hair off his forehead and down over his face, eyes closed as he lost himself in the music once again. It was when the bass dropped again that Magnus knew that Alec's body was meant for him. Every gap, every angle, every bit of space belonging to Alec was made specifically for Magnus. He knew this because they were dancing so close that they practically shared the same breath.

Magnus couldn't contain himself any longer. He leaned in and placed his lips on Alec's neck, sucking gently. Alec tasted of cologne and sweat; a combination that could only be surpassed by his mother's home cooking (God rest her soul). It drove him crazy. The longer he sucked on Alec's skin, the more he wanted to take him to a dark corner and makeout, and there were a lot of dark corners to choose from.

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now