She found herself back in Mikael's body. Though this time it felt strange, it felt familiar. In his line of vision, as he forced himself through a very familiar door, she saw Finn.

And immediately, Finn fell to the floor with a snapped neck. Next was Kol, who had been sent to see what the noise was.

"Father?" He asked as his eyes widened. Kol then fell on top of his brother.

"Mikael" Marianne jumped back, her bare feet stepping on the crack on the floor. "He's here"

As soon as she had said that, Mikael burst through the door, a white oak stake in his hand. A witch graced his presence, throwing Rebekah to the side, making it impossible for her to move up from her position on the floor.

The curly haired witch smiled as Elijah shielded Marianne from her sight. She knew he wasn't to be a problem, because if he moved, the girl will definitely be dead.

Mikael took the signal from his witch and proceeded to pin his bastard son up by his neck. The stake skimming his clothed chest. "I am going to take immense pleasure in watching you die" he commented, the venom in his voice sending shivers down Marianne's spine. This excuse of a man had been seeing through her eyes the past six months.

Niklaus tried to fight back. A series of grunts escaped his lips as he pushed and eventually settle for a tight hold on his father's wrist to attempt to push back the stake. "Elijah" he screamed "he's too strong"

Marianne peered out from behind the vampire's shoulder. Her fingers tingling as she tried to grasp enough of her power to use against him. "I cannot use my powers" she exclaimed to Elijah, realising that the witch had blocked every drop of magic apart from her own. Marianne was rendered completely useless.

Still, Niklaus put up a fight, though he weakened by the second. Finally convincing himself that his life was over.

"Elijah" Rebekah cried, screaming his name and looking him in the eye as if to tell him to do something. Anything.

Elijah's heart pumped faster as he glanced around the room for anything to use against the pair. He did not know, he could not think straight until he felt Marianne grab his hand out of fear.


In the split seconds before the aftermath of the event. Elijah felt completely out of control, his mind forcing him to do things he would not usually. It happened in slow motion, he did something he would soon regret for the rest of his life.

He spun around to see his bride to be, her eyes frantic and full of hurt and fear.

He hugged her. Kissing her cheek as he broke of the very small hug. Finally doing what he thought to be a last resort.

His hand plunged into her chest, feeling her beating heart slow. He felt her body tense as she gasped, looking down at where his hand was and then back up. She looked him in the eye, she would be utterly speechless if she could speak. But she was in so much pain that she couldn't move. She let out a few high pitched yelps as she tried to wrap her mind around what was going on.

Elijah closed his eyes, tears coming from them and dropping to the floor. He bit his lip and mouthed the word 'sorry' to her before he pulled.

Her vision was blurred, it took a while for her to focus in on what was making a dripping noise. A tap maybe? But no, she finally was able to see the Crimson liquid dropping just like the rain she had seen before she left the old town. But why was there blood?

Marianne looked down to her chest now, her feet blurring into the background as she focussed on the massive hole that cursed her chest. Her hands clawed to see what had happened, pressing against the wound. But it seemed her heart had been ripped from her chest, and she saw it fall to the floor, making a large splat as it did so.

She didn't know what to do, a ringing sound in her ears that only served to give her a headache. She saw flashes of a rocky road, she saw flashes of trees that draped low, acting almost like curtains. She saw a beaming sun. And then she saw the mess on the floor, where her heart and blood lay in some sort of symmetry.

Marianne knew now the vision had come true, it being under completely u expected and hurtful circumstances. Elijah had torn her heart from her chest, physically and metaphorically.

Elijah parted his lips as he finally had come to terms with what he had just done. As Marianne fell to the floor, her eyes frozen open, showing her fear and shock, so did Mikael.

Niklaus took the opportunity to snap the neck of the witch; but Elijah had only focussed on the body on the floor.

"What have I done?" He asked himself, dropping to his knees and biting his wrist "no no no no" he refused, forcing his blood into her mouth. But it was far too late, her heart lay next to her hand and she was too far gone.

Elijah tried to think of the last time she had drunk his blood. He thought of any time to give him hope that she was not dead. But she had not drunk his blood in months, therefore it was not in her system. Therefore, she would not rise.

Rebekah walked behind her brother, her eyes staring down at the tragic girl that lay on the floor. "Elijah I-" she couldn't think of anything to say to make the situation a little bit better.

A victory, Mikael was dead. But now the Mikaelson's had to live with a very heavy heart and a giant Marianne sized hole in their family.

Elijah had to live with the most. Beforehand he had never classed himself as a full monster, yes the word flew around a few times when he was angry with himself or when he was joking. But this day will be marked the day that his self hatred had begun to grow, and the day he classed himself as the most dangerous monster on the planet.

He murdered the girl he was madly in love with. Nothing could be more cold-hearted and reckless than that.

Rebekah knelt by her head, her hands on Marianne's face to close her eyes and stop Elijah from making himself feel worse. Marianne's expression was just haunting, it would be remembered for centuries after.

"Our happiness comes at a price" Rebekah said, not looking at her brother "Mikael is dead but at what price?"

"A price I stupidly decided to pay" Elijah whispered, holding his head in misery.

A price much too high.

Mind over Matter ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now