Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

One of the worst mistakes I made in my life is walking away from the one I loved the most. But I was going to have to repeat my mistake. And this time, it wouldn’t be a mistake. This time, I’d do it to save the white-soul dynasty, my family, Ace’s family and Ace - cruel to be kind, right?

I prepared for any attacks that I might encounter and I tried to convince myself to lower the gun. I kept reminding myself of how much I love Ace and how he’s my twin-soul. I went through everything I love about him. His sweet smile... His dark brown hair... The way sparkle in his beautiful blue eyes shone.

It was working; I managed to lower the gun. Hugh shot a look at Scotia who suddenly screamed out of pain. I was able to drop the gun, now that Scotia was no longer in control of my body. Lyle picked up the gun, as Sean and Luke drew out theirs which were hidden under their shirts, and walked out of the warehouse. Fear leaked into my mind as I thought about using my powers. I was frightened that it wouldn’t work or I wouldn’t be able to handle it. Fear: It can mean: Forget. Everything. And. Run. Sean shot me a look, daring me to make my move.

But it can also stand for: Face. Everything. And. Rise... So I dared and made my move.

Last time, they were the cheetahs trying to catch their prey. Not this time. This time, I’m the cheetah and I’m going for the kill.

I froze everyone’s thoughts except from Taran’s. I need you to get the guns.

Okay, Taran rushed to pluck the guns from everyone’s hands; shall I get Ace to burn them?

Yeah, Taran, get everyone out – I’m going out the back so they’ll follow me, not you – and destroy this place. I ordered and released everyone’s minds.

‘Ace, burn the guns and help me destroy this place.’ Taran demanded. ‘Hugh, get Arella and Sonny out of here.’

Everyone followed their orders. Luke and Talia ran out after Hugh and the others, along with Bill and Hank as the warehouse began to shake thanks to Taran’s control of earth. I ran out the back way with Sean on my trail.

I skidded to a halt as I nearly crashed into Aura. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’

‘Saving your butt, what else?’ She said matter-of-factly. ‘You forgot someone.’

I turned around and spotted Georgia leaving the warehouse behind Sean. I looked at the lake and saw the dodgy, rotting bridge. ‘Georgia, go across the bridge!’

‘No, one gets away.’ Sean snarled as Georgia arrived at the bridge. ‘Who are you going to save? Your sister or your best friend?’

‘What are you talking-’ he cut me off by pushing Aura, with great enough force to do some damage, into the crumbling building which was now set ablaze due to Ace.

Sean jogged to the bridge to try to stop Georgia. The rain, which had now stopped, had made the bridge slippery and dangerous. I though Aura needed me more.

Thankfully, Aura was nowhere near the flames but she looked hurt. I pulled her up and she cried out in pain. ‘My ankle, it hurts!’

‘Now, I’m saving your butt.’ I said as I placed her arm across my shoulders and helped her out of the burning building.

Step by step, I helped Aura to the middle of the bridge. Georgia had made it to the other side where, surprisingly, Ashling and Rosita pulled her to them.

‘Sean, don’t do it!’ Ashling shouted, clearly he had seen what Sean was about to do. ‘Aura, try to control your powers!’

‘I can’t – the pain!’ Aura was making the wind pick up.

I figured out what Sean was doing. He was copying my power and making the lake’s current rough. The whole bridge began to shake and sway. As fast as a raindrop, the bridge snapped and all three of us fell in.

The water was bitter cold – almost icy – and the current was hard to swim against. I grabbed on to Aura and pulled her to the bank where Ashling and Rosita pulled her up and out of the water.

‘Come on, Ryvre, you next.’ Rosita said as she stuck out her hand to pull me up.

I looked back and saw Sean struggling to swim... he was drowning. ‘She’s going to help him.’ Ashling said with a lopsided smile.

‘I can’t just leave him.’ I didn’t want a guilty conscience. Going against the current, I swam over to where Sean was attempting – and failing – at treading water – no way would anyone be able to survive in this water by treading water. As I swam to Sean, I guessed that I was the better swimmer because my powers were to do with water and controlling it, but my powers weren’t strong enough to control something this powerful as it was coming from Sean who was able to practise using his powers as he grew up, unlike me. ‘Sean, take my hand.’

‘Get away from me!’ Sean snapped as he threw his hands down on the surface of the water, he reminded me of a shark thrashing in the water, attacking because it was afraid that it would be attacked. ‘I don’t want your help... You’re going to drown here with me.’ His smile was wicked and evil – just like his eyes. ‘And I don’t have to even take you with me, there’s no way you’ll be able to survive if I can’t.’ Well that wasn’t quite true, was it?

‘Sean, please...’ I said as I bobbed under the water as it was getting rougher, ‘let me... help you.’ Soon I wouldn’t be able to help him as I kept getting pulled under myself. ‘I... can save... us both.’ I threw my hand at him one more time. ‘Sean, take it... take my hand... Sean! Trust me... Let... me help... you!’

‘Fine,’ he growled at me, attempted to swim closer to me; reached out and took hold of my hand, ‘just... this once.’

I tried to pull him closer to me so I could hold him in a better position but the water made it hard to grip on to his hand and his hand slipped out of mine and he was pulled away, down the lake. His head and hand would occasionally dip in and out of the water, there was no way I could save him now – all I could do was watch him float away. I used every ounce of energy to swim to the edge of the lake – I swam to the side the warehouse was burning down on as it was closer. I used my strength to pull myself up on the bank. The warehouse was now a crispy, burnt black colour. The fire from Ace and the mini-earthquake in the foundations from Taran had made it all crumble.

Hearing sirens in the distance gave me a ray of hope inside my chilled body as I laid half in the water and half on solid ground – I had ran out of strength to pull myself all the way up on to the bank. My body was shaking fiercely from my freezing, soaking skin; it was as if I was having an electric shock currently passing through my body. I closed my eyes for a moment and...

I woke up in a hospital bed.

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