Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Walking into school, the next day, I couldn’t help smiling. But there was nothing new to my life except meeting another Angel. The sun seemed a little brighter; the air smelled fresher and I felt like I was floating.

First period: maths. It’s so annoying – we always get homework. Ace kept glancing at me throughout the lesson. I had English at period four, before lunch – for some reason English was becoming my favourite lesson. Ace was already sitting in his seat as I entered the class; he avoided eye contact with me – that stung a little.

‘I hope you have been tutoring Ace, Ryvre.’ Mrs Jackson raised her eyebrows as I sat in my chair. I had no idea how to respond. I could feel Ace’s gaze on me, waiting for me to answer. I just laughed nervously and Mrs Jackson turned to Ace.

‘She is an excellent tutor, Mrs Jackson.’ Ace nodded as if he was confirming something. My jaw dropped slightly as I turned to face him. Ace winked at me and began to talk to someone on the other side of the classroom.

Throughout the lesson Ace’s wink bugged me, I couldn’t concentrate on what Mrs Jackson was going on about, she was teaching so fast that my mind was going to explode. I don’t know how I did it... or if it was even me... but, all of a sudden Mrs Jackson froze along with everyone else. I looked at the clock – it was still ticking. I could feel someone trying to fight my ‘mind-freeze’ and after a couple minutes I felt the strain of freezing everyone’s minds.

‘Okay class, I’ll go over this on Friday. Pack up... I heard there’s going to be a party on Saturday?’ Mrs Jackson said when she unfroze.

‘Yeah, it’s a ‘welcome back’ sort of party.’ I explained.

‘The teachers and staff do the same thing but at a secret place.’ Mrs Jackson whispered.

Trying to pack up really fast, I dropped my pencil case and its contents rolled out, on to the floor. I decided to pack up slower and be the last one out of the class. My plan half worked: I was the last one left in the class... so was Ace.

He helped me collect my stuff and stood leaning against a desk watching me as I packed my bag and pulled it on to my shoulder.

‘I’ve got a meeting now but I trust you to shut the door behind you.’ Mrs Jackson smiled at me and then she left.

I sucked in a breath and made my way towards the door. Ace blocked my path and closed the door. ‘Excuse me?’

‘I know you froze the class.’ Ace’s gaze bored into mine. ‘Why?’

‘I don’t know it just... happened. Speaking of ‘why’, why did you manage to resist it?’ I raised my eyebrows as I folded my arms.

‘I don’t know.’ Ace admitted after a long silence. Then he sneakily changed the subject, ‘what time is the party?’

‘Starts at seven and finishes whenever.’ I shrugged. ‘Changed your mind?’

‘I’m not promising anything but... I might go.’ Ace had a slight smile.

‘Like I care if you go or not.’ I rolled my eyes and pushed past him.

When I got halfway down the hall I glanced over my shoulder and saw Ace leaning in the doorway, arms folded, with a sly smile on his face as if he was checking me out. I continued to walk away but a smile of my own crept across my face.

At the end of the day, I decided to go to the library to complete my homework. There was hardly anyone there. I sat down at one of the back tables in the corner by the window and took out my books. Maths: answer fifteen questions. Science: research cystic fibrosis. French: learn vocabulary. English: read first three chapters. I answered the maths questions, flicked over the French words and I was half way through chapter two whilst researching cystic fibrosis on the computer.

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