Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

‘You can borrow my black wedges.’ Georgia insisted as she checked out my outfit. ‘I’m wearing the same pair but in red.’

I was wearing a black long-sleeved t-shirt that had slits from the shoulder to the wrists - where it became buttoned up like a bracelet – and my dark skinny jeans. Apparently my knee-high black faux leather flat boots weren’t up to her standards.

‘You know I can’t walk in them!’ I protested as she pulled off my boots.

       ‘Look, you want Sean to be interested, right? You want to show the difference between “school you” and “party you”, right?’ Georgia raised her eyebrows as she placed the wedges on my feet. ‘So quit your moaning and wear the wedges!’

It was very awkward to walk in them without out toppling over. On the bright side I did look taller. I left my boots at Georgia’s house. Thanking God that I had Georgia’s arm for balance, we walked through the door of Mark’s house.

There were a lot of people – like the entire year! – And one group huddled around the table in the kitchen. They were playing beer pong. I spotted Sean amongst the group and he waved us over.

‘Hey Ryvre, do you play?’ Sean called and the whole group looked at me.

‘I don’t know how to.’ I said and silently added: And I don’t drink.

‘It’s alright, I’ve had enough anyway.’ Sean pulled away from the table, looking a little tipsy, and the group began to moan. ‘Nah, guys I promised Ryvre a dance and I stick to my promises.’ At that point some of the girls were eyeing me up – like they were hungry cats that hadn’t eaten in days and I’m a fresh little mouse for them to fill their stomachs with.

I looked around and found Georgia dancing with a group of three girls and two boys. I tried to find Ace but I couldn’t see him anywhere. Sean pulled me on to the “dance floor” and he started to dance – quite badly – to the music. My feet were killing me already.

‘Sean, could you get me a drink?’ I asked after a while of dancing in the sweaty atmosphere.

‘Sure. I’m guessing just water?’ Sean smirked and disappeared amongst the guests.

I don’t know why but before I knew what I was doing, I walked up to Talia – one of the ‘popular’ girls – and pushed her. ‘You’re cheating on your boyfriend, right?’ I blurted out in front of her boyfriend, Luke, who was holding her. I walked away when they began to argue.

‘Here you go.’ Sean reappeared and handed me the drink. ‘Want to go play snooker with the guys?’

‘Snooker,’ I echoed and then whined, ‘won’t that be boring?’

‘Not at all,’ Sean suspiciously grinned as he took my arm and led me to the games room. There were two boys – one from the football team and one from the rugby; a couple of the ‘cool’ boys. ‘Hey guys, what’s up? This is Ryvre she’s here to have some fun.’

‘Wicked shoes, Ryvre,’ one of the boys nodded to the wedges, ‘If you really want some fun you should listen to this song.’ The boy played a song that had a really loud beat and an extremely fast rap – full of swearing.

‘This isn’t really my... music choice.’ I nervously drank my drink. Thanking God that Sean had got me water and not alcohol. I didn’t realise I was so thirsty until the whole drink was gone.

‘Come here,’ Sean pulled me toward him, ‘just relax and the next part’s easy.’ Sean pushed the hair out of my eyes and then he sat me on the snooker table.

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