Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

‘Scotia, I’m home!’ I shouted as I walked closed the front door and muttered, ‘if you even care.’

‘I’m in the kitchen!’ Scotia shouted back.

I turned to Ace who was following me whilst suppressing a smile, ‘please don’t go all... you know.’

‘American bad-boy or a jerk?’ Ace questioned me and coincidently used my thoughts from earlier.

‘How did you...?’ I trailed off, I didn’t want to ask if he was an angel just incase he wasn’t. We walked into the kitchen where Scotia was laying different ingredients on the counter. ‘Scotia this is Ace; Ace this is Scotia.’

‘Hello, Ace. Sorry hun, I’ve got to shoot off in a minute but I wanted you to make your cookies so your dad and I can take them to the hospital with us and give them to the children.’ Scotia grabbed her car keys.

‘Sure Scotia. What time are you coming home?’ I asked sighing as I looked at the ingredients.

‘I don’t know – late probably?’ Scotia put on her coat. ‘Okay, see you later hun and it was nice to meet you Ace.’

‘And you.’ Ace smiled – but not his “Ryvre’s Smile” – as he watched Scotia leave. ‘Right, you make the cookies and I’ll get the notes.’

As Ace read the notes out loud for me to hear, I mixed in the ingredients to make the cookie dough. He looked up from the notes just as I ate a spoonful of cookie dough.

‘I thought that was for the children at the hospital.’ Ace teased. ‘You know you’re eating raw egg right?’

‘Also known as cookie dough and I wanted to make sure it tastes alright.’ I smirked back at him as I spaced the dough out on to the tray. ‘So... How are you doing with those notes?’

‘Okay, they are thoroughly and well written.’ Ace flipped through the pages and placed them back down.

‘Well, thank you – I think.’ I said as I placed the tray in the oven. Ace made his way over to me and made me jump as I turned around to find him so close.

‘When were you planning on telling me?’ Ace whispered in a low and dangerous voice.

‘Telling you what?’ I tried not to let it show that I was hiding the true fact that I am an angel.

‘That you are an angel.’ Ace was so close to me. ‘Don’t try to deny it. That’s got to be the reason why your notes are really good.’

‘Or maybe I just work really hard.’ I suggested sarcastically. ‘My powers don’t help me with my grades.’

‘So you are an angel.’ Ace nodded and relaxed. His whole posture changed to a more laid back position. ‘What’s your power?’

‘I don’t know. I’m really good at telepathy.’ I shrugged; I don’t really like talking about powers.

Ace snorted. ‘Every angel’s good at that. Surely you must have figured out what power you have?’

‘No, have you?’ I must have sounded defensive.

‘Yes but I am still a broken angel until I’m eighteen.’ Ace explained. ‘I can control the one of the elements. Fire-’ he let a small flame dance on his palm, his extinguished the flame that balanced on his hand, ‘and I can also heal – comes in handy when you burn a lot of people - and one of my brothers can control earth and can sense the emotion of the air around you.’

‘Good for you.’ I squeaked out as I was truly stunned but didn’t want him to know it.

‘So what do you do, Ryvre?’ Ace asked with his “Ryvre’s Smile” glued on his face.

‘I, um, can control water. So I can freeze it and because of that I can freeze your thoughts so, to you, it is like time is frozen but you don’t know it.’ I don’t know why I was confessing my gift to him. He was a merely a stranger.

‘Ryvre, it’s alright, I’m not a black-soul. I don’t use my power for corruption and I’m not going to force you to use your gift either.’ Ace’s hand on my shoulder made me relax.

‘It’s just; you know, hard to trust people.’ I smiled back at him. It was nice to know someone else who was a broken angel like me.

For the rest of the day we went over the notes and made more cookies for the children. It had gotten dark and I walked Ace to the front door as he had to go home. His closeness made me stiff. The air was intensely exciting. I had a sudden urge to pull him even closer to me. Ace’s lips were only about five inches away from mine. Headlights appeared on the drive and we moved further away from each other. Scotia was back and she had picked up Seth.

‘Good evening, sir. I’m Ace.’ Ace extended his hand for Seth to shake.

‘I’m Seth.’ He accepted Ace’s hand but only for a brief moment and then he walked inside.

‘Goodbye Ace. It was lovely to meet you.’ Scotia smiled at him and then followed her husband.

Closing the door behind me and stepping out on to the step, I said, ‘sorry, they’re really busy – all the time. So if they come across a bit, you know, rude it’s because of that...’ I apologised for their behaviour.

‘Don’t worry about it,’ Ace smiled – his little “Ryvre’s Smile”, ‘I’m sure that they’re not really like that.’

His smile was making me smile. ‘Ace... just so you know... there’s going to be a party at Mark Poles’ house as a “welcome back” even though they’ve had parties, like, everyday of the half term... and you can come if you want.’

‘Don’t parties like that normally get out of control?’ Ace asked, his smile fading a little.

‘Not always.’ I shrugged. ‘Well, it’s up to you. I’d better go inside... so... I’ll see you tomorrow then.’ I said an awkward goodbye and gently closed the door behind me.

Seth and Scotia were whispering in the kitchen. I popped my head around the door and saw them nibbling on one of the cookies that Ace and I had made for the children.

‘They’re not for you!’

‘We’re only having one – to taste them.’ Seth told me.

‘Ace seems nice. Who is he, Ryvre?’ Scotia asked, meaning if he was an angel and what type.

A part of me thought that I should keep Ace being an Angel a secret. For some reason I felt that their reaction would be a bad one. ‘Oh, he’s the new kid from America. My English teacher, Mrs Jackson, wants me to help him study so he can catch up.’ Their sceptical looks made me add, ‘call her if you want.’

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