"Shut up your fucking mouth or I won't hesitate in uploading your video on youtube."

I knew who it was. The voice was very much familiar to me. In the last one month I've heard this voice so much that I can even recognize this voice in my sleep. It was Raymond's.

Clara gasped in shock and started at Raymond who was standing behind me. Her face turned red soon. All of her face screamed ANGER. Clara just turned around muttering something which I couldn't hear and disappeared somewhere.

I sighed in relief. I don't know what is going on in that stupid head of hers but I knew I have to be careful. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone now. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I relaxed under his touch. He made me feel calm. I quietly moved with Raymond and slipped on the passenger's seat while Ray made his way towards the driver's seat. He started the car and stepped on the gas.

First ten minutes passed quietly, neither I nor Raymond said anything. Finally he was the one to break the ice.

"You know whatever she said wasn't true."

Though I wasn't looking at him I could still feel his gaze on me. I was looking outside the window.

"I know" I replied in a low voice.

"Then why don't you say something Soaf? For how long will you let them hurt you like this. This cannot go forever Soaf. You have to speak up, stand up for yourself . "

I didn't say a word instead I kept looking outside the window.

He sighed once before continuing.

"Let's be practical Soaf. I won't be there forever to save you from them. Of course I'll try to save you but there will be times when you'll be alone and people like her will still be after you. You have to speak up , sweet cheeks. This can't go forever."

I still didn't say anything but this time I wasn't looking outside the window. Instead I was looking at Raymond who held concern in his eyes. I nodded in agreement with him although I know he cannot see me. In typical cliché novel usually the boy says that he will protect her girl forever and all. Here it was different. It was the reality and instead of telling me all those cliché lines Raymond was actually helping me.

My hands were resting on my lap. Raymond's hand reached for mine and intertwined our fingers.



"Do you remember that day when you tried to save that skinny nerd back in the freshman year? When Jake was bullying him?"

"Uuh Y-Yeah"

There was no way I was going to forget that day. Jake one of Raymond's group member was bullying some innocent guy. He was making fun of him and I tried to save him, though I ended up getting hurt. Jake left that guy and instead he bullied me. I tried to shout back at him but then everyone in the corridor was laughing at me and others were giving me apologetic smiles. I blanked out there and ended up crying. I became more quiet and conserved after the incident .

I figured that High School was different. I was more of a confident person in Middle School. Even though I was a nerd, I was confident back then.

"I was weak then. I wanted to stop Jake. I knew he was bullying that guy without any reason and it was wrong. I didn't have the guts to fight with him but you did. I always admired you for that." , Raymond said.

I stared at Raymond in shock. I know he was there at that time but somehow I didn't expect him to remember this.

"I remember seeing you shouting at him there. You looked so cute and innocent yet so intrepid and effusive, and.........little, it was shocking seeing you shouting at someone that loud." he chuckled before continuing. " -Soaf you are strong. Don't let them change who you are. This is not you Soaf. The Sophie whom I encountered two years ago was you. Not this." he said giving a little squeeze to my hand. I filled me with warmth. I smiled.

Finally we pulled in front of my house. Before heading out of the car I muttered a sweet 'thanks' to Raymond and gave him a tight hug.

"See you tonight" he replied before driving back.

This little confession that Raymond did today it just made me happy and confident. What else do you expect when the school's famous Bad-boy tells you that he has always admired your confidence and courage. A small smile played on my lips for the rest of the day.

I felt proud. I felt happy. Only because of Raymond. As each day was passing by he made me fall for him even more than the day before. Although I still hesitate to classify 'love' to my feelings for Ray, I know they will reach there someday.

I took a deep breath as I reached my room, put my bag down and opened the window. I felt light cold breeze fanning my face. It felt different now. Everything was on peak. Every emotion was on its vertex. When I felt happy it was extreme happy and my lips would automatically stretch into a wide grin.

I loved this feeling. This tingling in my stomach and butterflies fluttering. It was austere yet magical.

Hey Guys

Another update. I'm really in love with Raymond. I hope he helps soaf out of her misery and also Clara doesn't creates too much problems for Sophie. Tell me what do you think in the comment. Love you.

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