Prologue: Into the woods

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"Your Highness! Wake up! The camp is under attack!"

"Huh, what are you saying, Maggie?" mumbled a sleepy Anya. Then, with one eye opened, she looked up to see the distress on her maid's face. "The camp is under fire, you say?"

"Yes, Your Highness, the camp is under fire! That is what I have been screaming about."

"No, you said the camp is under attack, not under fire."

"But, Your Highness, under fire or attack, they all mean the same thing." cried Maggie. "Princess, you don't look worried, aren't you worried?"

"Oh, Maggie dear, someone is always trying to attack the camp. We are at war, aren't we? And each time, my father's soldiers fight them off." the princess said to reassure her maidservant, but to no avail. Both sat silently before the princess asked, "Where is my father, though?"

"His Majesty is in the map room. He came to see you a while ago, but you were still asleep, Your Highness."

Maggie sighed and continued, "Why, Your Highness, did you make us come here? The battlefield is no place for ladies. All this fighting and war is causing me to worry. Ageing me! By the time we return, Your Highness, I'll be too old and ugly to marry."

Anya watched the horror spread across Maggie's petrified face and laughed softly."Oh, Maggie dear, the battlefield is exciting. It is where all the action happens. It would bore us out of our wits if we had to stay back at the castle. How dreadful that would be! And besides, we are perfectly safe out here."

But as fate would have it, Anya spoke too soon. Suddenly, there was a massive boom sound from beside their tent. Guards appeared soon after, "Your Highness, His Majesty summons you at once. His Majesty wishes to speak with you immediately."

"Very well, take me to him. Wait!"Anya said as she looked around her tent."Is the threat serious? Do I have time to pack?" she asked.

"No, Your Highness. No time at all. We are under attack."Said a guard.

As Anya turned to look into Maggie's eyes, she could see the′ I told you so′in her voice.

Anya twisted back and said, "Let's go then."

They walked a bit until they arrived at the biggest tent in the middle of the camp. Anya entered, and the first thing she saw was her father dressed fully in armour, surrounded by maps and his generals around him.

"Your Majesty, Princess Anya has arrived."A guard announced.

King Edward looked up from his maps to see his daughter—his most prized possession—the last living remains of his beloved wife, as she was a carbon copy of her mother."Everyone excuse us," he ordered. When everyone was out, Anya spoke, "Father, you sent for me?"

"Yes. The camp is under attack."

"Oh yes, everyone keeps on saying that," Anya responded with a chuckle.

"Well, today, the attack is serious. It is not safe for you to be here anymore. You must leave for the castle at once."

"How not safe?"

"Very much not safe."

"But father, I do not want to leave."

"Nonsense! You must leave at once. Now is not the time for your whining. You are going back to the castle for your protection, and my word is final, " the King angrily said.

"Fine, then!"Anya sighed in defeat.

"Good! Now hug your father before you leave. I will miss you, Anya."

"So will I," she said as he hugged her dad, the only family she had left.

"That's my girl —one more thing, dear. It would be best if you switched gowns with your maid. After that, the guards will escort you ..."

"Switch gown! But why, father?"

"It is for your safety. It's a long ride back to London. These lands are dangerous, especially at night. Enemies of the crown are lurking, ready to pounce. They will look out for the maiden dressed in beautiful garments. Which would not be you."

"But which would be Maggie?"

"My dear, I know you care for your maid, but your safety is the foremost concern."


"But no! There's no time to argue; it is getting late. You must be on your way now."

A few hours later, Anya was in the carriage on her way to the castle. Maggie was sitting across from her, with her clothes on, and she was in Maggie's. They never spoke a word as they rode through the Highlands. The only sounds heard were rain and thunder.

So scary, Anya thought; this entire scene is exactly like the ones in the dark mystery books she likes to read. As the carriage rode through a thick forest, Anya could have sworn she saw eyes as dark as night among the trees.

Anya quickly pulled the window curtains down. On second thought, maybe she should stop reading all those mystery novels.

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