0.7 // i love who?

528 18 0

She broke me.

Those words that we exchanged, I can't even believe we argued for the first time.

I mean she was the one who broke the promise, we fought over him again.

Now I feel like this is just going to happen again and again, tears were running down my face.

I ran into the bathroom and went into a stall.

All I did was cry and cry.

I felt like I couldn't breathe at all, my feelings had destroyed me, my best friend had destroyed, liking Lucas just hurt me.

The bell rang and I sat up from the tiled floor.

I went into English class.

Class started and the teacher just started talking about grammar and all that.

Lucas walked in the class late, I looked around and everyone was sitting with somebody.

While I....had an empty chair right next to me.

Lucas sighed and sat near me.


"Don't talk to me, Lucas."

Lucas looked at the teacher.

I looked behind me to see Riley crying in the back.

Riley wiped the tears from her face.

I saw Farkle rubbing her back, trying to comfort her.

I looked back at the teacher who was now talking about Romeo and Juliet.

"Romeo killed himself because he thought Juliet was dead at first, but Juliet wasn't dead. So she woke up to see a dead Romeo and she killed herself so that they could be together."

So much nonsense.

I closed my eyes.

I can't even, I think I hurt Riley, I even hurt Maya in the process.

I really want to talk to Maya, I...love....

Suddenly, Riley interrupted my thoughts.

I looked at her and she had an expression on her face that I've never seen on her before.

"When we were talking earlier, what was it that you were going to say?"

Riley looked into my eyes.

I couldn't hurt her but I had to tell her the truth.

"I don't like you, I love you...like a brother."

Riley sighed.

"I'm happy you told me the truth, just not so happy that you like Maya."

"I told you that it was a mistake! I don't like Maya, Riley! I love her and----"

Riley slapped me and my cheek was stinging.

"I love you too, brother."

Riley walked away and I heard her crying.

I turned around to see Maya standing right there.

"You...you...love me?"

"I guess."

Maya jumped up and kissed me.

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