0.5 // regrets

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About to walk out the school, I heard a familiar voice say my name

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About to walk out the school, I heard a familiar voice say my name.

"Maya, wait!"

I looked behind me to see Lucas standing there.

"What is it, Huckleberry?"

"I just wanted to give you this book." He said as he held the book in his hand.

I smiled and grabbed it.

"Also, don't get any ideas."

Lucas walked away to his locker.

I sat down on the nearest chair and looked at the book.

I smiled to see that it was one of the books I wanted.

Considering that I don't read, it's kind of funny he knew that I wanted this book,

A smile speed across my face once I opened it.

Something fell out and I picked it up.

It was a note.

"What did Lucas give you?"

I jumped hearing Riley's voice.

I looked behind me and stood up.

Picking up my backpack, I put the note back inside of the book when Riley wasn't looking and tossed it in the backpack.

"Some book."

"That Harry Potter book you wanted?"

"Some book."

Riley rolled her eyes as I put my backpack on my back.

Lying to my best friend when I just got her back, that's a new low.

We walked out of the middle school and then we went our separate ways on the subway.

I walked into my bedroom and immediately fell onto my bed.

I grabbed my laptop and looked up YouTube.

All I did was watch gaming videos.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

I got off the bed and went to the door.

I opened it up to see Lucas.


"You just couldn't resist seeing me?"

"No, I was walking near here and decided that I wanted to stop by and say hello." Lucas said.

"Oh, well good day to you Lucas. Bye bye now."

I closed the door and was walking away when he pushed it back open.

"Still here."

I walked back over to him.

"What do you want?"

"Look, I just really wanted to ask if you're okay."

"I'm good, just want to go back to watching videos."

"Would you want to go back if I do this?"

Lucas kissed me on the lips.

So much guilt.

He pulled away.

"I like you Maya."

Should I confess how I feel?

Do I even know how I feel?

"I like you too." I said quickly as I started kissing him.

She didn't respond to me or anything, ugh.

After waiting an hour, she finally responded to me.

Maya: riley, I did something bad.
Riley: What did you do?
Maya: I had...well I kind of had
Maya: (texting)
Riley: You hooked up with Lucas?!?!?!
Maya: kind of, I don't know what I was thinking.
Riley: That's the final straw, Maya. I'm done. He's mine, so get over it
Maya: would it make you feel better if I told you that he left?
Maya: no okay. I regret what I did I really do.
Riley: What was it that made you do this? Your young blood??
Maya: my feelings.

What did she do to me?

Why did she betray me like that?

Tears fell from my eyes as I fell on my bed.

Great ending.

Do you think Maya actually regrets hooking up with Lucas?

Or do you think she just doesn't want to lose Riley again?

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