When You're on Your Period

Start from the beginning


It took Soda a while to figure out what the little star on the calendar every month meant. But once he did, he developed a routine. On the first day of your period you would find chocolate hidden everywhere. In your purse, in your car, even in your shoes. Soda liked to think of it as an adult Easter egg hunt. On the second day he'd cook all of your favorite foods for dinner. The two of you would pig out on the giant buffet he'd make.  It was ridiculous. The third day you would come home to a candle lit dinner. Soda liked to find the most ridiculous and fancy thing to make and try to. Sometimes he succeeded and sometimes you ate Chinese food in the candle light. The fourth day was usually a montage of massages. He'd rub your back, your feet, anything and everything that he could get his hands on to he'd rub. This routine of little nice things would go on and on for however long your period lasted. And always on the last day you two cuddled in bed. Soda spooned with you and held you as tightly as he could. The chocolates and dinners and massages were nice but the last night was always your favorite.  


You had left a few tampons lying on the bathroom counter while you were packing for a trip. Steve had found them and well, curiosity killed the cat and all that. You'd come home for a few minutes because you left your toothbrush behind to find Steve sitting on the living room couch with the tampons open. He was examining one like it was some scientific experiment. You burst out laughing at the sight. He looked up bewildered.

"How the hell do you put this inside you?" he asked. You just kept laughing until you realized he was serious.

"I can show you but I'd really rather not," you said. "So I'm just going to let you figure it out by yourself."

You left for your weekend trip and when you returned you were met with Steve and a tight hug. He was pale and looked at you like you had hung the moon. You soon learned that after you left Steve had called one of his girl cousins and she'd explained to him in detail how tampons and periods in general worked. He had a new respect for you and girls everywhere. From that moment on every time you had your period Steve waited on you hand and foot. It was kind of awesome.


"Hey, Johnny. Where's (Y/N)?" Dally asked as Johnny entered the room. It was the first time in what felt like forever that you two were not attached that the hip. Everyone was a little surprised that you weren't with him.

"She's at home. She has a cold," Johnny said as if you having a cold in the middle of July wasn't a little weird. "I'm actually kind of worried about her. She gets a cold every month. What if she's really sick?"

The gang burst out laughing. Johnny only looked at everyone confused and a little hurt. How could they laugh when he was honestly worried about your health? This was a serious problem. He didn't know how to help you. He looked up to Dally and had hoped for him to offer some advice.

"You do know that she doesn't actually have a cold?" Dally asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Johnny asked.

"When a girl says she has a cold around the same time every month she's lying. It means it's that time of the month for her," Two said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. But when Johnny only continued to stare at him as if he had two heads. After a minute of silence Two shook his head. "She's on her period.  You know the time of the month where girl's turn into screaming death monsters?"

Johnny showed up at your house that night with flowers and chocolates. He had been upset that you hadn't just told him but he'd gotten over it once he'd seen how miserable you were. The two of you spent the rest of the night cuddled up together on the couch. Johnny didn't leave your side for the rest of your period. Every month after that you didn't hesitate to tell Johnny you were on your period and the two of you would spend that week even more glued to each other's side. It was disgustingly cute.


The first time you were on your period while dating Two you expected lots of jokes and maybe even some pranks. That was just how Two rolled. You weren't really upset about it. But when Two picked up that you were cranky and moody he put the pieces together and surprised you. You were laying on your couch trying to distract yourself from the cramps with TV when he arrived. He had a heating pad and take out Chinese food. He rubbed your feet and let you complain about stupid things on TV. He didn't even comment on you crying at an animal humane commercial. It was a little unnerving. But you were happy to see this different side of him. He was being really sweet. It was perfect. And when you started to feel better Two went right back to his usual self. He would crack jokes and pull pranks like nothing was different. But the second your period started it was like a switch flipped and he turned into a big old puppy that wanted nothing but to cuddle you and rub your stomach. You secretly loved it.

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