The Law of Retrogression(Part 1)

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Here's the long awaited chapter! I don't know how many times I'll apologize to you, my dear reader. I'm sorry for taking so long to write this chapter. No more excuses from author-chan. To the chapter!!!!

Your POV

I keep walking, with my hand on my head. I keep walking through the forest. Akurano... Lend me some strength. I fall back to my knees and start crawling. I have to tell the others... I fall onto my side; my breathing ragged. I grab the bottle and make one last request. Give this to Gray, Akurano. Please. After the bottle disappears, my hand hits the ground. Why can't I move?

Then it all comes rushing to me.

Screams. Endless screams.

Author POV
With Natsu and the group. I'll leave you with that little thing up there. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Ah, I regret nothing.

"For not using magic, you guys are impressive," Natsu says.

"Oi," the black haired guy grunts. "we're Sylph Labyrinth. Don't group us together with all the other treasure hunter guilds." He points up with a smile on his face. "We're the guild that won the Grand Secret Treasure Games, which decides the number one treasure hunting guild in Fiore!"

"Boom!!!" the one with the hammer grunts.

"Grand Secret Treasure Games?" Natsu asks, as he sparkles.

"I'm Hiroshi the Sword!" the black haired guy, named Hiroshi, yells.

"I'm Lala the Hammer!" the one that grunts yells.

I couldn't stop laughing at this part. His appearance makes me laugh and his name is Lala... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *clears throat* back to the story.

"I'm Drake the Sniper!" the white haired guy, named Drake, yells.

"Together," Hiroshi screams, "we're Sylph Labyrinth! The mighty, super-cool trio!!!!"

So the treasure hunting world has a similar festival, huh?" Wendy moans.

"C-Congratulations..." Lucy moans, too.

"That's awesome."Natsu said, sounding impressed.

"Don't seriously be impressed!" Gray orders.

"If you get it, then get the hell outta here," Drake orders. "You wizards over there are no match for us."

"Except I'm not over there." Gray says, holding up the bottle of Moon Drip. "Ta-da."

"What?!" Hiroshi screams, his eyes bugging.

"The Moon Drip!!!" Lala screams, his eyes bugging too.

Gray's POV

I lift the bottle above my head. "Thanks to Ice Make: Thief's Hand."

This just appeared in my hand. And then I heard a woman's voice in my head say, "F/N ordered me to give this to you. (She/He) grabbed it when the hunters were running away and none of your group noticed. Don't fail (him/her)." But of course, I can't let anyone else know that. The ice hand I made to show effects looped and made a thumbs up.

"When did you...?!" Lala screams.

Hiroshi points at me, his eyes still bugging. "He's a thief! A total thief!"

I sigh. Didn't these guys say it would be a person's own fault if something was stolen earlier?

Hiroshi turns to where Drake is. "Drake! Shoot him!"

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