Chapter 21 - Panama

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There was not at all time for drama. Maybe, hopefully, after all this has been settled and blown over, then I could consider our relationship status.

Jace cleared his throat, and instantly the whole room went silent. I was in awe, of Jace’s power, for I never really experienced it first hand before. It was indeed amazing.

Only then, did I come to realize where exactly we were. Standing in front of a huge crowd of about a thousand people had my nerves sent into a frenzy. It certainly did not help at all that I hated to be the center of attention especially in a crowd as big as this one.

I found myself burying my head into Jace’s chest, my face heating up. He seemed to sense my discomfort, and his arm tightened a little around my waist, as if to assure me he was there. I smiled gratefully at Jace, and he returned it with a smile of his own.

“I have organized this meeting, for two main reasons. One of which, is to introduce my mate. Yes, indeed I have found her,” Jace gestured to me, then continued by saying, “This is Brooke, and she will be your Luna.” I looked up at the crowd, doing my best to appear brave, though I was sure most of the pack members saw through my act.

I smiled hesitantly at them. They erupted into cheers and applause, which made my smile become even wider. I heaved a sigh of pure relief. They accepted me. It was the best piece of news I received in all my life. Even Jace, as serious as he seemed, managed a grin.

“You will get to meet her later. Currently, however, we have a very serious matter to attend to, which involves all of you here.” With a single sentence, all the cheers, laughter, and all traces of happiness in the room, died down instantly. Jace’s tone had obviously scared most of them, and they all sat in their seats, fearfully waiting for the news. They looked at us expectantly.

I began to speak. “The Moon Goddess appeared to me a few days ago, in a dream. She sent me this vision. You do not need to know the specific details of it, except for the one part that shows… that shows…” I could not bring myself to say the words. I could not.

Thankfully, Jace realized, and said it for me. “That shows a war.”

That was it. The news was out. There was no doubt at all that the pack members were all shocked and worried. I felt the same way. Gasps were heard, and soon, whispers broke out within the large crowd. Their reaction was expected, and the worried look on everybody’s faces had me worried as well. I realized that so many of them here, might die, and if they did not die, their family members probably will.

I looked at the little children in the room. They might lose their father. The mothers, some would end up without their mates, and some, without their children. I knew how they felt. I had, after all, lost my entire family.

“Of course, safety measures will be carried out, and most of you here will have to fight.” Jace spoke up. “Now, I want the mated females, children below sixteen, and the elderly above 55, to follow the Beta out of the room. He will show you where to hide, when the time comes.”

Nobody dared to disagree, though I could hear many people who started to protest. They wanted to fight, as I did. I heard them telling each other how they would not stand to sit there and watch their mates and other werewolves fight. They wanted to fight.

Jace turned to me. “Brooke, I need you to follow them. You will have to know where to hide as well.”

Immediately, I protested. “Jace, we’ve been through this. I’m fighting.”

“No, you’re not. I agreed to teach you defense moves so that you can protect yourself. I never said that you will be fighting. You will be staying in hiding.” From his tone of voice, I could tell he was serious about this, and that he will not change his mind about this.

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