Chapter 4 - Why

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Brooke's POV

Yes, I was still pissed at him. Well of course I still am. I don't think i'll ever forgive him for what he has done. But after all he has done, I never really found a chance to ask him, why. Why he killed my pack. It didn't make any sense. My pack never killed anybody, or did anything to harm anyone or his pack. It was the last thing we expected. To be killed and destroyed by the Shadow Moon pack, probably why they we lost so quickly. My pack had never been one of the strongest packs. And we were attacked unprepared. There was nothing we could have done.

I looked up at him. He seemed angry. It was probably not the best time to ask him. Then again, what was the worst he could do? Kill me? I think not. He would lose it if I died. The bond between mates was too strong. Besides, I wouldn't mind dying. I'd be far away from him at least. Hurt me? I was already chained up in silver. I really don't think there was anything else that can hurt me further.

"Why?" I spoke up.

He glanced at me. His face full of confusion.

I elaborated. "Why did you kill them?" .

I observed his face. There was a flash of an emotion I could not read. Guilt, was it? No, it couldn't be. He was the most wanted person in America, yet alone the world. He spared no mercy. He probably couldn't care less that he killed my pack.

He hesitated, unsure whether to reply. In the end, he did. But it wasn't quite the answer I was looking for.

"Why doesn't the sun revolve around the Earth? Why did the moon goddess pair us up as mates? Some thing's just happen for a reason, sweetheart." He had said.

I cringed when he called me sweetheart. I don't think he'll ever get it. We could NEVER be mates. I don't give a damn that the moon goddess paired us up. He killed my pack, I know I've said this so many times but things like this is just hard to forgive.

I don't think trying to force an answer out of him would do any good. Clearly, he didn't want to tell me, and well, I wasn't in any mood to talk. I was in too much pain.

I groaned as I felt the silver burn my skin again. Jace wasn't helping much. All he was doing was sitting there watching me suffer. His face showed no sign of any emotion. No guilt, nothing. Not even after he had his guards chain me up in silver. I'm getting so sick of his ways. If I wasn't chained up, my hands would be on his neck, trying to strangle him till he chokes and dies. He's lucky I am.

"TAKE THESE FREAKING CHAINS OFF, WILL YOU? IT HURTS LIKE SHIT." I questioned furiously. Except, it was not considered a question. More of an order. Jace continued sitting there. Huh. Apparently the high and might alpha doesn't listen to orders.

"GODDAMN IT JACE," I cursed. This was going too far. This silver could kill me. Not that he cared.

Jace was really starting to confuse me. First, my pack, how he avoided answering my question. I knew there was a better reason behind it. I wish I knew. Now, I was confused because if he didn't care about me at all (Silver chains are STILL burning my flesh), then why is he still keeping me here like a prisoner?

" Does it hurt really bad?" he suddenly asked me. I was shocked. He actually cared.

Seemed a little too coincidental for me. The moment I asked myself that question, he answered it. (Well sort of) Oh, right, he read my mind. Again. Maybe somebody should learn how to respect a woman's privacy. It was creepy, in a stalker-ish way.

"So? Does it hurt a lot?" he repeated, interrupting my thoughts. I wanted to reply with a sarcastic answer, seeing as it was so obvious it hurts. But I didn't. I couldn't risk pissing him off. He cared now. He might not anymore I made him mad. Right now, I just wanted the damn chains off.

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