Ellie realized Mia was serious. Mia had her hands at her sides, and was holding onto the edges of the seat. She had her back oddly bent, like she’d started lifting up towards Ellie’s hand, then stopped herself. She looked tense. A lot of her looked tense. There were muscles showing in her arms and legs.

“I’ve never done this before,” Ellie said again, softly, like it was something wondrous.

“I know,” Mia said, like she thought it was too. “But please, just fucking please…”

Ellie was about to move, to slide all the way, to push her hand further, until she felt Mia wet and soft, until she was against Mia, or inside Mia, or whatever she needed to do to touch Mia like Mia touched her.

She was about to do everything Mia wanted.

Then a delivery truck roared past beside them, pulling into the service lane. It was loud, and very near, right against the window of the ute.

Ellie and Mia both jumped.

Ellie snatched her hand away, and Mia yanked her top down, over her shorts, and then they both sat there looking at each other while the delivery truck went past.

Ellie suddenly realized where they were, and how distracted she’d been. From Mia’s face, she was realizing too. Ellie probably should have been looking around, but she hadn’t been. She hadn’t looked at all.

They’d probably been lucky no-one had caught them.

The delivery truck slowed down stopped a little in front of them, at the next goods entrance along from where they were parked. A man got out, and opened the back, and began unloading boxes.

“Fuck,” Mia said, watching the truck. “Just fuck.”

“He might not be long.”

“He looks like he will.”

“We could go somewhere else.”

Mia didn’t answer. She just sat there. Then said, “Fuck,” again.

“I was,” Ellie said after a moment. “I promise I was going to.”

“I know,” Mia said. “I could see you were.”


“That’s what makes it so awful,” Mia said. “I knew you were about to, right then.”

Ellie looked at the truck. The driver wasn’t paying any attention to them.

“We still could…” she said.

Mia looked at her.

“Should I?” Ellie said

Mia hesitated, then shook her head. “There’s better places,” she said. “Somewhere quieter. Your place or mine.”

Mia did up her shorts. She seemed disappointed. Ellie watched, disappointed too.

Ellie thought for a moment, and then said, carefully, because she was proud of how much Mia had wanted her, “You can wait that long? For your place or mine?”

Mia grinned. She looked at Ellie, and grinned, and leaned over and kissed her quickly. “You have no idea,” Mia said. “None at all. It’ll be close. It’ll be horribly, painfully close. But I think I’ll just manage.”

“I think I do,” Ellie said. “Have an idea. All afternoon, remember?”

And Mia grinned some more. “Yeah,” she said, as if she was feeling smug now too. “Suppose.”

“Later?” Ellie said. “We will?”

“I really think we have to.”

Ellie thought for a moment. “I feel like that,” she said. “How you feel right now. I always feel like that, around you.”

Mia nodded. “I know.”

“And now you feel that way too.”

Mia didn’t look entirely happy about that. “Yeah,” she said.

Ellie sat there a moment longer, then said, “Completely serves you right.” Then she opened the ute door, and got out, and went into the shop to get drinks.

She was wet. She hadn’t quite realized while she was thinking about Mia, but everything had turned her on too. She was wet she could feel it as she walked. She didn’t like it, and felt a bit embarrassed. She hoped Mia wouldn’t know, when she got back in the ute, but Mia probably would, since Mia could tell things like that from across whole rooms.

Actually, Ellie thought, she hoped Mia did know.

She hoped Mia was too, and was suffering like Ellie was, and was sitting there in the truck, right now, watching Ellie walk away and being tempted to finish herself off. Just like Ellie was always tempted to, after Mia did something like this to her.

Ellie went inside, and found bottled water, and thought about what had just happened.

She decided she didn’t mind the stopping.

She understood better what was happening now, and she felt a lot better, having some of the power herself. She liked this more when they were both driving each other a bit wild, instead of it all being Mia.

She decided that, and was so pleased with herself she forgot to be frustrated.

At least, until she came back out to the ute and saw Mia again, waiting. Frustrated herself, and utterly wanting Ellie.

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