Love and Honor

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Sorry for the delay in getting an update out...but here it is.

Toby stood before the fireplace with his hands behind his back. Uncle John had pulled out the suit that Toby had made for his wedding to Kate. He hadn't thought about the suit after he found out that Kate had gone and married another man. Uncle John however put it away thinking that it may be of use some day. Now standing there Toby knew that this was the way it was supposed to be. This suit had been there waiting for this day, just as he had. His bride was exactly who he wanted this time around. He had no doubts. With Kate he had many doubts. Smiling Toby was beyond happy. He was in awe of his own life, because to him it was perfect. She was perfect. And when Lily stepped into the room he became much more aware of just how beautiful she was. 

Toby's heart was about to beat right out of his chest, he just knew it. The look of surprise on Lily's face brought a smile to his face. As she approached his she reached out her hand to run lightly along his jaw line. "You shaved." She whispered. "You look so hansom." "You, my love, took my breath away." Toby whispered to her in return. The pastor cleared his throat and everyone was quite. Toby and Lily didn't take their eyes off of one another trough the whole ceremony. As if the whole world had dropped away, they were the only people in existence at that moment. Time stopped but moved swiftly at once. It seemed in the blink of an eye the pastor said;"You may now kiss your bride" Toby cupped Lily's face and lightly brushed his lips across her's. "I love you so much my beautiful wife." He kissed her deeply then. Pulling away reluctantly, Toby kept his arm around Lily as he shook hands with the pastor and his uncle; and even Daniel. The women wept and hugged and giggled and hugged some more. 

Afterward they all enjoyed a meal of ham and potatoes, rolls and wine. Mary had somehow made a cake during the whole ordeal of the morning. Everyone ate and drank and talked about the future. Toby explained that from this point forward all plans for the horse farm would be discussed and agreed upon by he and Lily together. There was much work left to be done still. He loved that Lily had many ideas for farm and the cabin. It meant that she felt at home there, with him. She wanted to add on to the cabin to make room. He hoped that she would give him a child, maybe many. He would happily add ten rooms to the cabin if it made her smile half as much as she was now. 


"I want to go with Mama and Toby!" Daniel shouted. Stomping his feet to protest having to stay behind at Uncle John and Aunt Betty's. Toby had made plans to take Lily on back to the cabin to enjoy a bit of time alone together as husband and wife. John and Betty would bring Anne and Daniel after a few days. As they couldn't leave the property for too long, with animals to care for. Lily had agreed that it was best and she felt better knowing the children weren't far away. "Shh, now they need some time alone together." Betty says sternly. "I could use some help with these horses. Do you think you might give me a hand?" John asks. Reluctantly Daniel pulls away from Lily and walks over to John. "Toby showed me how to brush them." He says standing taller with his head held high. John chuckles, "Well lets see what you've got." He puts a hand on Daniel's shoulder as he guides him out the back door. 

Turning to Anne, Lily kneels down and wraps her arms around her. "I know you can help Aunt Betty with anything that she asks of you. I love you." Lily kisses her cheek then stands to give Betty a hug as well. Once good byes are said. Toby takes Lily's hand and lightly tugs her out the door to the waiting wagon. He helps her up then quickly makes his way around to get in himself. Looking over to Lily once he is settled he finds her looking at him with a small smile on her lips. Raising his hand, he lightly runs his knuckles along her jaw then places a light kiss to her lips. Pulling away slightly he looks into her eyes. Lily leans back into him placing her own kiss to his lips then letting her head fall to his shoulder she whispers, "Shouldn't we be going? It's going to be dark by thime we get home at this rate." Smiling, Toby kisses the top of her head then yells to the mules to move out.


Sitting on a bench in front of the general store smoking, he watches as they pull away in the small wagon. Eyes boaring into the back of her head. Looking back to the house that they came out of, a small smile plays across thin lips. "Excuse me, but is that a boarding house down the way?" He asks a man passing by. "Yes it is." The man replies looking the stanger over. "Thank you" With that he rises and walks toward the boarding house, still looking to where the wagon pulled down the road. "I'll have you one way or the other bitch." He says with a snear. Behind him the man he asked about the boarding house just slips into the sherriff's office. 

"Evenin' Sherriff Wilson." 

"Evenin' Mr. Murry. How's Faye?"

"She's just fine." Mr. Murry responds, shifting from foot to foot.

"So what brings you in?" Ethan Wilson asks.

"I'm an old man sherriff. I've seen my fair share of bad poeple. I beleive I just saw a very bad man walkin' down to the boarding house."

"What makes you think this is a bad man?"

"Just a feelin' Sherriff. He had a look about him. I think you should keep your eye on this stanger."

"Thank you for giving me a heads up. I'll just go on down to see if Betty has any more of that apple pie." Ethan winks to Mr. Murry before walking out the door.

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