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As the weeks went by the temperature dropped. Winter was settling in and soon it would be Christmas. Lily and Toby would sit in the chair together a few nights a week. Toby would hold her; give her a small sweet kiss on the check or on the top of her head. He did nothing more than this but it was wonderful. Sometimes he would hold her until she fell asleep, and then carry her to bed. Other times Lily would run her fingers through Toby's hair until he fell asleep. She would wake him gently with a kiss on his cheek close to his mouth. They never talked about their relationship. They just enjoyed one another's company and the quiet time they had alone.

Anne was up running around again now so one night while sitting in Toby's lap in front of the fire, Lily told him he could have the bedroom back. Toby just looked at her for a long moment but said that the arrangement they had now was fine by him. "Besides if you were to sleep in the loft again I would have a very hard time carrying you up the ladder." They were quiet for a time then Toby spoke again. "I have finished the barn. I can sleep out there if you want me to. That was the plan from," Lily interrupted him. "No!" Clearing her throat she said, "No. There is room enough for us all in here. Besides I don't want you getting sick. It's getting colder and colder. It's fine for the animals, but you really should be inside." Toby smiled at her and placed a quick kiss on her lips. She blushed and lowered her eyes. It was so hard to look at him some times. She wanted to put her arms around his neck and kiss him back. Toby wanted to kiss her until she could no longer think or feel anything but him. He loved their evenings together, but he wanted more and more to kiss her, to taste her. Taste all of her. So he lowered his head and kissed her again. Gently he ran his tongue along her lower lip. Lily kissed him back tentatively, but it was enough for him. Maybe she would let him kiss her more often. 

The next morning over breakfast Lily suggested that they make a trip into town. They could visit with Betty and John. Then pick up anything else they may need. Anne and Daniel were excitedly chatting about playing with their friends. "Well, I don't see why we can't go today." Toby said. "That sounds great. Why don't you two go get yourselves ready?" Lily said to the children. Toby stood and went to the door. "I'll get the wagon hitched. Make sure you bring plenty of blankets." Everyone went their separate ways to prepare for the trip into town. Once everyone was ready they met went outside to meet Toby. He had pulled the wagon right up to the porch. He first helped the children in the back of the wagon then took the blankets and the basket from Lily and set them in with the children.

"Now if you two set on one blanket and use another to wrap around you together you will stay good and warm." Toby told Anne and Daniel. Daniel handed Toby the other two blankets that Lily had brought. "These are for you and Momma. You can do the same thing as me and Anne." He said. Toby smiled and took the blankets and set them on the wagon seat. Turning to Lily he said, "Your turn." Toby put his hands around her waist and lifted her into the wagon. Butterflies erupted in Lily's stomach at the contact. When he was seated next to her he put the blanket around her shoulders. "If I get cold I will share that blanket." He said, and then winked at her, sending more butterflies on the loose. 

They made it into town faster than they ever had before. Lily knew that Toby was hurrying so that they wouldn't have to be cold for long. Once they reached Betty's Place they all went in and had a hot cup of tea. Toby left only a few minutes later saying that he needed to stop in and see about the new harnesses he ordered. An hour later he came back and asked if Lily wanted to do her shopping while he took the children to the restaurant up the road, Murray's. Bill and Faye Murray, the restaurant owner's were making gingerbread men for the children to decorate he explained.

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