Tidings of Comfort and Joy

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Toby stood in the bedroom door way holding Lily in his arms. Unfortunately not in the way he had wanted to. She fainted when he asked her to marry him. This could not be a good sign. Sighing deeply he walked into the bedroom and gently laid her on the bed. When she didn't stir he began to remove her shoes. When he was finished she still didn't move. Brushing the hair away from her face, Toby watched her settle into a deep sleep. Her features relaxed and beautiful. Toby climbed in bed next to Lily and pulled her into his arms. If she doesn't want to marry me then I will have to accept it, but at least I can hold her one last time. Placing a light kiss on her cheek Toby drifted off to sleep holding onto the one he loved.

Heat wrapped around Lily. Too much heat. She was sweating. Realizing her clothes were still on she slipped her dress off and settled back into the bed. Sometime later she woke again to the feel of something tickling her back. She wiggled a little to rub away the tickle. Then stiffened when she heard a deep moan. That's when she felt the arm laying across her hip and hand resting on her thigh. Her naked thigh. She turned slightly to look at Toby. He was sound asleep. Her mind was racing. What did we do? I don't remember anything? He asked me to marry him, then.....then nothing. Realization dawned. I fainted. Did he take advantage of me? No. No. Toby would never do that. She trusted that he wouldn't hurt her. Then how did we end up in bed together....naked? Lily sighed loudly. Toby moved his arm around her waist and hugged her to him. That was when she noticed that even though he was wearing no shirt, he was wearing pants. Again a sigh left her, and again Toby tightened his hold. "Sweetheart are you feeling better? We have time to rest awhile longer. Would you like me to get you some water?" Lily swallowed hard. "Yes, please." She whispered. Toby shifted to rise, then stopped. Blinking the sleep away from his eyes. Noticing for the first time that Lily lay there in his arms naked. He went hard instantly. Gently he moved his arm from around her, allowing his fingers to linger at her exposed hip. He looked to her face. She was turned away from him so he could just make out her profile in the darkness. Toby gently brushed the hair away from her face, noticing that it was damp. A smiled played at his lips.

Climbing out of the bed was more difficult that he had expected. He wanted to press himself flush against that smooth damp skin. He yearned to touch every inch of her. When had she removed her clothes? He remembered waking up and feel lost. after tucking in close to Lily he fell back into a deep sleep. Returning to the room with a glass of water, he noticed Lily hadn't moved. Did she fall back to sleep? Kneeling next to the bed Toby put his hand on her shoulder. "Here is some water love." He whispered. Lily blinked a few times. "Thank you." She mumbled and began to sit up. The blanket drifted down resting around her waist. Toby sucked in a deep breath. Oh, but she was so beautiful. Lily gasped and yanked the blanket back up around her. Toby looked into her eyes and saw that she was embarrassed. "Here you go." He said gently handing her the water. Her hand shaking she took the offered glass. Standing Toby looked down to see that the blanket hadn't covered her completely. He could still see her lovely hip and thigh. "I'll go get a fire started in the stove." He stated knowing he needed to get out now. He wanted her so badly he was afraid he would not remember to be a gentleman and handle her with care. Lily was looking at him with a curious expression. Blushing she looked away as soon as she saw that he noticed her looking at him. "Toby, what happened last night?"

Shaking his head Toby realized she couldn't remember because she had fainted. Clearing his through he began. "Well sweat heart you fainted. I carried you to bed. I didn't want to part from you in case you woke. Only I fell asleep too." "Did...did you, um..." Toby sat slowly on the edge of the bed taking her hand in his. Trying to look into her eyes he spoke. "No. I didn't undress you. I did take your shoes off." Smiling Toby continued. "I think sometime in the night you took off your gown yourself. I remember hearing you say that it was hotter than blazes in here. I didn't really realize that you were undressed until I started to get up to get you some water. But no, nothing more happened. We both went to sleep. I promise." He winked at her. "I'll leave you to get yourself ready. The kids will be up soon." Lily drank in the sight of him as he began to put his shirt on. He had broad shoulders and chest. He was muscled well from the demanding physical days as a farm owner. Buttoning his shirt as he went out the bedroom he stuck his head back in the door just as Lily started to stand. The blanket barely covering her. "By the way, I still would like an answer beautiful." Then he was gone.

Anne and Daniel came down from the loft just as Lily was starting the first flapjack. They were full of energy and from the looks on their faces they were very surprised to see the gifts under the tree. Breakfast was being eaten so fast that Lily was afraid they were going to choke. "Now listen to your Momma and slow down. Those gifts aren't going anywhere." Toby told them right after Lily expressed her concerns. Both children slowed down, but looked so disappointed. Looking from the children to Toby, Lily shrugged her shoulder. Toby stood to get a second cup of coffee and offered some to Lily. "Why don't we leave these dishes for a bit, I'll help with them later. We can sit by the fire and enjoy this coffee." He said. Anne and Daniel looked between the both of them expectantly. "Oh, and these two could open their gifts." Toby said grinning from ear to ear. Lily was so taken with his dazzling smile that she almost forgot that he was speaking to her. "That sounds like a wonderful idea." She replied.

They all walked into the living space, leaving breakfast dishes sitting. Anne and Daniel sat on the big rug in front of the hearth and waited while Toby stoked the fire. "Lily if you'll just wait a moment I have something for you to sit on." Toby walked outside and returned a few moments later. He set a beautifully carved rocking chair next to his own chair in front of the hearth. Tears welled in Lily's eyes as she ran her hand along the back of the chair. Anne pulled on her other hand. "Come sit Momma. I made the cushion for you." Lily saw the cushion was made using left over fabric from the bundle that Betty had sent her. "I helped too." Daniel piped up, not wanting to be left out. Looking up to Toby's hansom face her tears began to fall. Using his thumb Toby wiped them away. "Merry Christmas love." He whispered in her ear and he planted a soft kiss on her neck that sent shivers all through her body. Lily sat on the chair gingerly. It was made just for her, and she felt the love that was put into . "Thank you so much." She said to each of them.

Toby took his seat next to Lily and told the children to go ahead and begin opening their gifts too. They quickly grabbed the packages and read out loud who they were for . Toby was surprised that there were three gifts for him as well. He didn't remember seeing them last night. They took turns opening a gift each and admiring them as well. Daniel was excited to receive the hand carved toys that Toby gave him and the new clothes from his Momma. Even the basket that Anne had woven for him to put the toys in that Toby made. Anne hugged her new clothes to her and and was just as excited as Daniel with the toys that Toby had made her as well. She had known about Daniel's, but was not aware that Toby was making Anne some as well. Daniel had given her some new ribbons for her hair that Toby had picked up for him. Lily was given ribbons as well and a new pair of boots. She was surprised when the children showed her their new boots as well. Looking over at Toby she saw that he was watching the children with a content look on his face. She knew boot were very expensive.

Leaning over toward Toby she asked, "Can I speak with you for a moment?"The smile fell from Toby's beautiful lips as he looked up to Lily. She isn't happy. Is it the gifts? Was it just to soon for me to ask her to marry me?Taking a deep breath he followed her into the kitchen as Anne and Daniel continued to play with their new toys. Lily started to fill the sink to wash the dishes from breakfast. Toby began gathering them from the table, waiting for her to speak. As the silence stretched he began to worry more. "Lily, I...I'm sorry." He whispered in her ear as he came to stand behind her. Lily turned slowly to face Toby. When she raised her face to him he could see the tears in her eyes. "There is nothing for you to be sorry about Toby. You have made this Christmas the best my children have ever known. The best I have had in a very long time." Taking a deep breath she continued. "I want to give you something wonderful in return." Toby's hand stilled where he had been caressing her face. Looking into her eyes he waited. Lily leaned into Toby, resting her hands on his chest. Then quickly raising on her toes she pressed her lips to his. This kiss was quickly over and Lily leaned back down and looked away. Toby however was not finished. He tilted Lily's chin up and kissed her again. This time the kiss became something more. He kissed her like he was hungry for her. The urgency was more evident when he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to him tightly. His other hand had been behind her head now moved down her back. Lily moaned and the kiss went further still.

Lily was breathless when Toby finally pulled away. She couldn't think straight. Toby knew he wouldn't last much longer. "Lily will you marry me?" He spoke through tight clinched teeth, voice husky and strained. He needed to know. Lily sighed her answer against his lips. "Yes." A smile split Toby's face. He kissed her again. This time though was much shorter, if it continued he was bound to strip her down and make love to her right then and there. "We should tell the children." He said breathlessly as he held her in his arms. Lily's head rested on his chest and she could feel his heart racing as fast as her own was.

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